Das Pop are a Belgian band who first became known through their victory in the 1998 edition of Humo’s Rock Rally. I never really thought much of them though I did buy their debut album “I Love” when it first came out, which left me underwhelmed.
Fast forward to the here and now, and Das Pop have a new album out called “The Game”. I haven’t heard the full album yet since I’ve been a little busy kicking my friends butt at solitaire for money, but the title track I must say is an absolute gem. The retro-style introductory vamp, the vocals, the guitars, the production: this is as close as a pop song gets to being perfect.
Don’t take my word for it though — check out the official video (which itself isn’t too shabby either!):
Update: For those who cannot view the above video, Urbangraffito has provided this Grooveshark link.
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