Flashback to December 17 2008, when KUR received the following email:
I’m recording a new project soon and I wrote NEW music for The Black Page. If I sent you guys a copy of the album and you like it would you mind saying so on killuglyradio? (It is going to be a digital release via my own site so I don’t stuck w/a shitty bitrate.)
Whereupon I responded:
New music for The Black Page? Sounds exciting! I’d love to hear this so by all means, do send us a copy if you want. I’ll be sure to give it a listen and give it a mention at KUR. Do you have a site where I can download the track(s)?
Cue tumbleweeds.
Fast Forward to the present:
As you can tell by the date stamp on the email, it took me a lot longer to get this project done than I thought. New music for the Black Page is here:
Glass Ghost, Burning Castle. Check it out.