Unreleased Lumpy Gravy Cover Photos – Part 6

The final (6th) part of these unreleasesd photo series (see our earlier post). From the Commodore Crush blog, with no Zommify Widget this time, but watermarks – read the accompanying text there also, hehe.

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15 Responses to Unreleased Lumpy Gravy Cover Photos – Part 6

  1. exile says:

    It’s really disappointing that he uses the Zappa images for personal advertising.

  2. [quote comment=”19268″]It’s really disappointing that he uses the Zappa images for personal advertising.[/quote]
    I do understand his motives though (and don’t think they’re meant for personal advertising). For one thing, the watermarking disallows your typical eBay seller looking-for-a-quick-buck from just copying these prints and offering them up for cash…

  3. exile says:

    I have mixed feelings about this. I understand what you’re saying about thwarting bootleggers, but I, as a true Zappa fan, would dearly like to print some of these image for my own personal use (i.e. decorating my walls).

    In an ideal world these images could be released to everyone (without watermarks or Zoomify degradation) – maybe via Zappateers. And the bootleggers could get their asses kicked by Gail’s lawyers.

  4. urbangraffito says:

    I think it’s great that he’s finally posted these contact sheets (thanks Balint for kicking his ass and nagging him daily to post them). The watermarks, though, I don’t understand. These contact sheets are not his proprietary property or copyright. Just imagine if Zappateers did something similar to all the Zappa (and Zappa related) torrents they share? More than once I’ve found someone on eBay attempting to sell a show obviously torrented from their site. They never penalize the many for the actions of a few assholes. From the get go that’s what the blogger at ‘Commodore Crush’ has been doing – penalizing the many for the actions of a few. It’s not his job to police or thwart bootleggers (especially with material to which he does not have proprietary ownership). Either share it in all it’s glory (but stop acting on behalf of Gail’s lawyers – it’s their job to ruin our day and our enjoyment of Zappa, not yours) or torch it. These watermarks (and the earlier Zommify Widget) only tell me not to waste my time at your blog. A true Zappa freak would primarily care about sharing, not who might rip him off. Remember, whether it’s a contact print, a collection of field audio, 8mm film – it’s available because Zappa fans share it. To watermark it is akin to shitting on everything about Zappa I hold dear.

  5. Balint says:

    [quote comment=”19283″]A true Zappa freak would…[/quote]

    Well, he might not be one (he doesn’t have, nobody has to be one) – he might just be a guy who bought something and just wanted to show it to others without the feeling that he threw the money out the window. His property – he can do with it whatever he wants. Would it be better to have it in full details, without watermarks? Yes – but these are HIS pictures, and I’m grateful to have them even seen. Otherwise I wouldn’t have known about them at all – now I do, and it is fun to look at them all.

  6. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”19285″][quote comment=”19283″]A true Zappa freak would…[/quote]

    Well, he might not be one (he doesn’t have, nobody has to be one) – he might just be a guy who bought something and just wanted to show it to others without the feeling that he threw the money out the window. His property – he can do with it whatever he wants. Would it be better to have it in full details, without watermarks? Yes – but these are HIS pictures, and I’m grateful to have them even seen. Otherwise I wouldn’t have known about them at all – now I do, and it is fun to look at them all.[/quote]

    Given, Balint, it’s not my place to suggest what a “true Zappa freak” would or would not do, but to suggest that these are “HIS” pictures to do with as he wishes is giving him a legal foot that he really doesn’t have to stand on. My opinion is either share these contact prints in all their glory, just as those individuals who share recordings of rare Zappa acetates do. Do they just offer substandard audio to thwart potential bootleggers? Of course not. And just because they “bought” these acetates doesn’t mean they have proprietary ownership, either (they just possess them). That still remains with the original photographer. Yes, ‘Commodore Crush’ can do whatever he wants (and indeed has done). I only wish him and his ilk would be more concerned with sharing these historical documents with the greater Zappa community than thwarting the few bad apples with these pissy reproductions.

  7. exile says:

    ‘Sharing’, in this degraded, watermarked way is (IMHO) completely disingenuous.

    He already sold the negatives (or contact sheets?) at great profit, and these are reduced quality versions of his own scans. This gentleman sells stuff from his web site. He is cynically using these pictures to draw visitors to his site and advertise his business. Looks to me like he is trying to profit from this twice.

    It must have taken some effort to upload the low-res jpeg and embed the Zoomify doo-dad, and then to totally cover the final image with his own branding.

    I hope the person who bought the negs scans them at higher resolution and liberates them.

  8. the photo link appeared on zappateers july-10, commodore crush sold the contact sheets on ebay for ~$800 in 2009, kept one set for himself

    cc’s post:


  9. [quote comment=”19315″]the photo link appeared on zappateers july-10, commodore crush sold the contact sheets on ebay for ~$800 in 2009, kept one set for himself[/quote]
    Well well, looks like I’ll have to revise my previous comment….

  10. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”19329″][quote comment=”19315″]the photo link appeared on zappateers july-10, commodore crush sold the contact sheets on ebay for ~$800 in 2009, kept one set for himself[/quote]
    Well well, looks like I’ll have to revise my previous comment….[/quote]

    I certainly believe Commodore Crush has the right to sell the contact sheets to whomever he pleases (the value is in the eyes of the collector). This entire thread, though, reveals the clear distinction between the Zappa web community, whose primary aim is to share Zappa ephemera (and, thus, make it unprofitable for bootleggers and eBay shiesters) and those that use the community for financial gain. Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.

  11. Enid Ballard says:

    I have mixed feelings about this. I understand what you’re saying about thwarting bootleggers, but I, as a true Zappa fan, would dearly like to print some of these image for my own personal use (i.e. decorating my walls). In an ideal world these images could be released to everyone (without watermarks or Zoomify degradation) – maybe via Zappateers. And the bootleggers could get their asses kicked by Gail’s lawyers.

  12. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”19398″]I have mixed feelings about this. I understand what you’re saying about thwarting bootleggers, but I, as a true Zappa fan, would dearly like to print some of these image for my own personal use (i.e. decorating my walls). In an ideal world these images could be released to everyone (without watermarks or Zoomify degradation) – maybe via Zappateers. And the bootleggers could get their asses kicked by Gail’s lawyers.[/quote]

    The individual who purchased the contact sheets from Commodore Crush may still liberate the images, Enid. That will in no manner, or fashion, undermine their worth as a collector’s item. That said, I cannot know what either of their motives are or were, or why they would want to be in any sort of contact with Gail or her lawyers (that’s akin to having a playful time with a rattlesnake – you know you’re going to get bitten!).

  13. good gawd, get off the bus, says:

    [quote comment=”19314″]I hope the person who bought the negs scans them at higher resolution and liberates them.[/quote]

    And when he doesn’t, you can keep fucking crying about it.

    Nobody owes you shit just because they have something you want.

  14. Hermann Schindler says:

    Oh my god, that’s so shitty despiseable. Someone, who never had an active part in the real thing, trying to make money from sitting on the thing. How pathetic. Shame on the one!

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