UnCovered Interview – Over-Nite Sensation by Dave McMacken

Here’s a nice – and long – article about and by graphic designer Dave McMacken, from Rock Pop Gallery (april 2010) – the following is a small part of the text:

That night I listened to a truly bizarre take of the scene that Zappa imagined. In fantastic detail, he proceeded to tell me the story of Over-Nite Sensation and that the cover painting was to be done in a formal, realistic “Dutch Master” style, with the objects in the painting to be portrayed as visual elements from the story. (…)

I took tight notes during this session – I wasn’t given a written assignment or description – and worked on this painting for 2 months, meeting many times with Frank to discuss the work in progress. I started with a pencil and it evolved as we went along, with Frank adding more as “more was always better”- it is really cool when the musical act is also the Art Director and owns the production company! (…)

When I was done with the project and my clients were happy, I looked back on the time I’d spent with everyone associated with Frank Zappa and realized that the experience would have a colossal effect on my work going forward. It indeed has lasted all of my life – I worked for Frank Zappa – there’s no need to say anything more.

Dave McMacken was the creator of the paintings on Over-Nite Sensation, 200 Motels, he made this fantastic 10 years anniversary poster (with Mr. McMacken’s comment there) – check out his own homepage for more!

Author: Balint


2 thoughts on “UnCovered Interview – Over-Nite Sensation by Dave McMacken”

  1. “One time, he and Gail invited me to dinner and he took me to his basement studio and showed me his quadraphonic sound system and all his guitars, drums and pianos. Gail kind of scared the crap out of me and I had to bail to go feed my dogs.”

    Incredible interview, Balint. Quite insightful, too.

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