Zappa in the Thicke of it – May 30, 1984

In this interview clip, Frank Zappa makes an appearance as a guest on the short-lived talk show, Thicke Of The Night, hosted by Alan Thicke, on May 30th, 1984, promoting his upcoming tour, as well as a never filmed satirical video.

It didn’t surprise me that so much of middle America took to Thicke‘s wholesome image. We Canadians had been tuning out his afternoon talk show, The Alan Thicke Show, since it aired in 1980.

If they’ll swallow Alan Thicke (some network executive must have thought), they’ll swallow anything!

Author: urbangraffito

I am a writer, editor, publisher, philosopher, and foole (not necessarily in that order). Cultural activist and self-described anarchist.

2 thoughts on “Zappa in the Thicke of it – May 30, 1984”

  1. See the Gossip Queen make fun of Frank by dredging up the old bullcrap rumor that Frank ate feces on stage at 10:27. Frank puts up with it like a gentleman, probably for Thicke’s sake. R. Couri is still around, though Botoxed to the limit. Seems he survived the Galoot CO-LOG-NUH.

  2. Nothing like a Thicke slice of wholesome white bread! Mmm. Yummy!
    Truthfully, I always felt Alan was a tad too much on the bland side.
    Zappa makes Thicke quite uncomfortable in his own studio, while Frank makes himself right at home. Ha! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I loved FZ’s story about “While You Were Out” performed with a cassette tape. “And you don’t even know it!”

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