FZ’s Them or Us – Rereleased, 2010/12/1

In 1984 Frank Zappa self-published Them or Us, created with a dot matrix printer. A new facsimile edition – published by Pinter & Martin Ltd of the United Kingdom (which means they can only ship this book to the UK & Commonwealth; everyone else should check Zappa.com and Barfko-Swill after the rerelease date of December 1st, 2010) – brings this seminal work on conceptual continuity to a new generation of fans.

This cheesy little home-made book was prepared for the amusement of people who already enjoy Zappa music. It is not for intellectuals or other dead people. It is designed to answer one of the more troubling questions related to conceptual continuity: ‘How do all of these things that don’t have anything to do with each other fit together, forming a larger absurdity?’

“This is a story book. It is not a rock & roll biography. This is the only REAL & OFFICIAL FRANK ZAPPA BOOK*. All other books attempting to trade on my name are unauthorized and full of misinformation. This book is dedicated to all of the fans who have made the last 20 years** of large-scale absurdities possible.” Frank Zappa

* This and The Real Frank Zappa Book, published in 1989.
** Plus yet another 20, give or take a few years.

Click here to go to the Pinter & Martin website.

Note: thanks to Tom Daniell, longtime FZ fan living in Japan for bringing this information to our attention.

Author: urbangraffito

I am a writer, editor, publisher, philosopher, and foole (not necessarily in that order). Cultural activist and self-described anarchist.

5 thoughts on “FZ’s Them or Us – Rereleased, 2010/12/1”

  1. This is a fun book. I’m glad it’s getting re-released FINALLY. I bought a used copy for fifty bucks off of craigslist and I have no regrets.

    If it can’t be free, let’s make it cheap.

  2. [quote comment=”14364″]Free worldwide delivery for the masses! http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/book/9781905177561/
    Um, hope this gets past the spam filter…[/quote]

    Thanks, evaristo! By the way, Either Barry or myself checks the spam filter daily for commentary that doesn’t belong there (as well as commentary for spam that has slipped through the filter).

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