Echinda’s Arf (Of You) – In Rehearsal

This video sent to KUR via Andrea “HotRats” Rizzardo of four unnamed Milan musicians rehearsing Zappa’s “Echinda’s Arf (Of You)”. Today, Milan. Tomorrow, Bad Doberan.

Author: urbangraffito

I am a writer, editor, publisher, philosopher, and foole (not necessarily in that order). Cultural activist and self-described anarchist.

7 thoughts on “Echinda’s Arf (Of You) – In Rehearsal”

  1. Agreed. This is one of my top five favorite FZ compositions. Very tough song to play.

  2. The keyboard player is named Marco Longo, he is rellay good piano player I’ve met in the recording studio where I work. During the recording sessions he started to play some Zappa tunes on the piano and…you how we zappa fans are! we started talking about Frank music.
    That’s how I’ve discoeverd this video.

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