Chat Roulette Piano Improv

Ah, the wonders of Chatroulette: advertised as “instant video-chat” with complete strangers, in my experience it’s mostly a place where young desperate men log on to, erh, yank their crank for all the world to see. That and loads of badly lit, pasty white fat guys with watery eyes wearing day-old underwear. Some fun to be had there too though:

(via Marco)

18 thoughts on “Chat Roulette Piano Improv”

  1. I heard Chat Roulette was a big Sausage-Fest, so this is a nice surprise. Very Funny!
    I think a good title for this is, “Ian Underhood DOESN”T Whip It Out!”.

  2. There I was, thinking Chatroulette was the Third Ring of Hell, then
    I saw this video.

    The reactions are beautiful.

  3. [quote comment=”9818″]I heard Chat Roulette was a big Sausage-Fest, so this is a nice surprise. Very Funny!
    I think a good title for this is, “Ian Underhood DOESN”T Whip It Out!”.[/quote]

    Goes to show that the internet still isn’t too far beyond television: people like to peep, yet balk when it comes time to actually participate.

  4. How disconcerting it must be, if you *are* there aiming to whip it out and show some girls your monster, when all of a sudden you’re face to face with some dude in an anorak singing at you with his piano… I imagine it could well put a fellow off his stride, as it were.

    Have a heart for the desparate, sad, lonely, pasty perverts and stop making the world more interesting Piano Man.

  5. [quote comment=”9831″]How disconcerting it must be, if you *are* there aiming to whip it out and show some girls your monster, when all of a sudden you’re face to face with some dude in an anorak singing at you with his PIANO… I imagine it could well put a fellow off his stride, as it were.[/quote]Very funny thought!
    I think if you really enjoyed strange interludes on Chat Roulette, but weren’t a big fan of video penis. All you would need is three accordian players working round the clock on this site. I believe interacting with an accordianist would send the wankers quickly underground! Ha! πŸ™‚
    Hmm . . . this all depends the amount of users with a squeeze box fetish? High numbers? Back-up plan. Banjo players. πŸ™‚

  6. [quote comment=”9845″][quote comment=”9831″]How disconcerting it must be, if you *are* there aiming to whip it out and show some girls your monster, when all of a sudden you’re face to face with some dude in an anorak singing at you with his PIANO… I imagine it could well put a fellow off his stride, as it were.[/quote]Very funny thought!
    I think if you really enjoyed strange interludes on Chat Roulette, but weren’t a big fan of video penis. All you would need is three accordian players working round the clock on this site. I believe interacting with an accordianist would send the wankers quickly underground! Ha! πŸ™‚
    Hmm . . . this all depends the amount of users with a squeeze box fetish? High numbers? Back-up plan. Banjo players. :)[/quote]

    After viewing those first few wankers laying about in their underwear, the last thing I want to see is them beating their *Uncle Meat* into some webcam (truth be told, AF, it makes you at least two inches smaller, or 5 centimeters if you’re European or Canadian) and spurting forth *Nine Types of Industrial Pollution* for all cyberspace to see. All true perverts know that Lava Life is the place to go for unbridled Squeeze Box fetishists and cornhole aficionados. Failing that, there’s always Prince’s Purrrrrrple Orb you can fist with your cursor:

  7. [quote comment=”9847″]Hey Urban, sometimes the internet seems like it’s just one big Lonely Person Device.[/quote]

    So true, A.F. Like anything, the internet is what you make of it. There really is something for everyone – depending on how discerning one decides to be: from Zappa weblogs to SMDM aficionados and everything in between. What I couldn’t help but notice about Chat Roulette was how little actual chatting went on (the very point our illustrious piano player was attempting to make methinks in his musical attempts to provoke some kind of reaction from his otherwise comatose audience).

    As the internet becomes increasingly interactive in nature, the sort of passive “Lonely Person Device” which so many now use their computers and internet connections for are going to be forced to play a more active part, or be bumped in favor of someone who is. The days of sitting and staring passively at screens are quickly coming to a close.

    Remember, even the peepers are being peeped upon. The entire concept of privacy is currently being rewritten…

  8. Christ, Urban, if you could see what I’m wearing as I type this…

    What would be nice to see on this Chat Roulette place is what happens when two Improvising Piano Players suddenly meet by accident – say Tommy Mars and Robert Martin, face to face on Chat Roulette… would that be worth watching?

  9. [quote comment=”9851″]Christ, Urban, if you could see what I’m wearing as I type this…

    What would be nice to see on this Chat Roulette place is what happens when two Improvising Piano Players suddenly meet by accident – say Tommy Mars and Robert Martin, face to face on Chat Roulette… would that be worth watching?[/quote]

    Like any self confessed rogue, I endeavour to keep my various cyber activities distinctly separate if at all possible. Especially since it has become the practice of the FBI (and CSIS in Canada) to infiltrate communities and social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, etc. to garner as much useful information as they can about you. Really, Frank wasn’t very far off when he sang about somebody from the CIA hanging around Laurel Canyon.

    Just imagine if Tommy Mars and Robert Martin were to meet face to face on Chat Roulette. How long would it take the agents over at Hoover Inc to inform the lawyers at Sloatman, Sloatman and Slitz of a possible copyright infringement?

    It boggles the mind.

    Still, it would fantastic to hear Mars, Martin and Wolf go at an off the cuff improv version of A Pound For A Brown…

  10. [quote post=”3298″]Frank wasn’t very far off when he sang about somebody from the CIA hanging around Laurel Canyon.[/quote]

    Um, he wasn’t ‘off’ at all: there actually *was* a guy from the CIA hanging around LC. It’s always very easy to tell fact from fantasy in Frank’s work – the fact is always more deeply weird and unsettling.

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