Return Of The Knick Knacks

Ha! There you were thinking this weblog was going down the drain. Silly you.

6 thoughts on “Return Of The Knick Knacks”

  1. KUR going down the drain? Silly people. The only reason I haven’t been posting at my usual rate is that I’ve been occupied by editing and researching the next KUR mixtape. A real colossal one, this mix. Lots of solos from bandmates we haven’t heard enough from: Peter Wolf, Patrick O’Hearn, Adrian Belew, Ed Mann, Terry Bozzio, Vince Colaiuta and, of course, Steve Vai.

  2. Anyone ever find a better tape of UCLA Pauley Pavillion, Dec. 31, 1977 than “Wax Flags”? I found it in a record shop back in 78. The sound is horrid…even for a boot. Back then, I took a parametric equalizer and mixed the LPs down to a cassette. There was minimal improvement, but enough to tell that there were some FANTASTIC solos at that show by Mars, Wolf, O’Hearn and FZ (of course). I have never found another tape of that show. Oh, wait, I know…The Vault! 😉

  3. My site isn’t that great – yours is awesome.

    I need to stop these Eric Idle-esque corrections.

  4. [quote comment=”9632″]My site isn’t that great – yours is awesome.

    I need to stop these Eric Idle-esque corrections.[/quote]

    You underestimate yourself, and your site, Alex. I found your opinions highly interesting, informed, and very well reasoned – especially amid weblogs that base their opinions because something is “rad man”, like “totally wow”.

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