Frank Zappa and Charles Bukowski

Kuiper en Berbée perform Charles Bukowski‘s poem “The Machinery of Loss” at the Leiden Poetry Festival on June 7th, 2009, accompanied by a medley of music by Frank Zappa, performed by Renk Jan Vissers (violin) and Ton Schijvens (drums and typewriter). Kuiper (the woman)= Klaas Bolhuis, Berbée (the poet)=Wilco Maas.
Technician: Lamp Wouda.

As a writer and a Zappa freak, I can certainly dig this — I mean, who else hasn’t dreamt of playing the Black Page on their manual Underwood or Smith Corona?

Author: urbangraffito

I am a writer, editor, publisher, philosopher, and foole (not necessarily in that order). Cultural activist and self-described anarchist.

4 thoughts on “Frank Zappa and Charles Bukowski”

  1. The bootleg Let’s Drink Some Beer And Hear Frank Zappa has both fz & bukowski on the cover; bukowski died within 3 months of fz’s death

  2. Charkes Bukowski only listened to classical music on the radio (not ever to disco music). Frank Zappa hated beer-drinkers. So it seems that this little artistic performance in Leiden is a case of piling up everything that looks/sounds freaky on stage. Like the comment of the lady that talks near the microphone says: “Geflipt” = “Flipped”.

  3. they would never become friends, but they both were able to look at things at a slightly different angle, both were non-conformists, both took an interest in the low life and used it in their compositions … ‘twelve flying monkeys who won’t copulate properly’ is begging to be a zappa song

    i … i used to work at the post office …

  4. The words are Bukowski’s, not ours. There was no beer involved, only single malt whisky.
    Renk Jan

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