Celebrating Alumni — KUR Style

The first clip, shot at a concert in Detroit, August 19, 2000, features the GrandmothersDon Preston, Ener Bladezipper, Sandro Oliva, Bunk Gardner, and the late Jimmy Carl Black – performing Black’s “Indian of the Group”.

In the second clip, recorded at the Jimmy Carl Black Benefit Concert on December 7th, 2008, in Action, California, has Bunk Gardner on flute and Andy Cahan on Guitar (both original Geronimo Black alumni) performing “Seista”.

The third clip, Jimmy Carl Black performs his last gig in El Paso, Texas, at King’s X with his son, Geronimo Black.

In the last clip, Mick Pini, Jimmy Carl Black, and Uwe Jesdinsky perform the song, “Political Man” at the Rockhouse, in June 2008. This track, recorded and available from CD Baby, on ‘Hamburger Midnight’ by B.E.P. (Jimmy Carl Black, Roy Estrada, Mick Pini), 2008, as a download-only release. An excellent live blues album. Go and have a listen.

A toast to all these Mothers, both official and unofficial.

Author: urbangraffito

I am a writer, editor, publisher, philosopher, and foole (not necessarily in that order). Cultural activist and self-described anarchist.

2 thoughts on “Celebrating Alumni — KUR Style”

  1. Yes, a toast to all you Mothers out there!

    Btw, are the Grandmothers still touring?

    “Come on in this place
    An’ I’ll buy you a taste.
    You can sit on my face.
    Where’s my waitress?”
    – Lonesome Cowboy Burt

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