Eight ’88 Ways To Cruise For Burgers

One of my favourite FZ tracks has to be Cruising For Burgers — the ZINY version that is. Back in ’06, he who goes by the name of Magic Fingers had delighted me with a CD consisting of unofficial ’88-tour CFB Variations for my birthday — the best one ever as birthday parties go, I should add. Bliss.

Fast forward to the present: along comes Muxtape. Urban’s been at it, so has Balint — who am I not to follow suit?

Presenting Eight ’88 Ways To Cruise For Burgers. Disclaimer: the tracks offered are not downloadable, and have been in tape circulation for years. Enjoy them, and then buy The Real Thing™ — as if you hadn’t already…

3 thoughts on “Eight ’88 Ways To Cruise For Burgers”

  1. Is it me, or does the last one from Genoa sound perfunctory? Knowing that almost everyone (except Frank and Mike) was a-hatin’ Scott and that it was their last show before the big vote to disband may be coloring my perception.

    Also, after a four-month hiatus, KHUM resumed a Zappa show on Friday nights. It’s called Zen Through Zappa and is hosted by Mark Scatchard.

    I did a little write-up here:


    Now I have the best of both worlds: I can be home working on the newspaper Friday nights (without driving all the way to Ferndale) while listening to Frank music programmed by a living-breathing humanoid. It’s great!

    Mark wasn’t timid; he started out last night’s show with Catholic Girls, then hit a lot of the the cool FZ moments, with Montana, Peaches, Pygmy Twylyte, Muffin Man and more.

    Thanks Mark. Thanks Barry. Oh, and thanks Frank.

  2. Thanks for all the yummy treats.
    I especially liked the Bremen Burger.
    Very filling . . . burp! Excuse me.

  3. a little nostalgia for the old folks…so glad I was able to collect this 8@88 set when it was downloadable…thanks again for those days back when

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