Persona Non Grata — Ottawa Edition

André Cholmondeley, whom you probably know for his excellent work with Project/Object, is currently working as tour manager/guitar tech for the Adrian Belew Power Trio. The crew were to open for ZPZ at Ottawa Bluesfest last Saturday. André had wanted to watch ZPZ from the side-stage afterwards, simply to enjoy the music. In an email which I’ve condensed somewhat below, he describes how things then turned kind of ugly:

After a meeting on the bus Dweezil demanded from the Festival stage manager (ONE HOUR before their show!!) that I would NOT BE SEEN by him (Dweezil)…!! he asked that he NOT SEE ME AT ALL, EVER, throughout the night.

… and so a guy called Dave, ZPZ’s soundguy, resorted to this:

He literally almost pushed me off the stage and down some steps. It was scary shit. I can’t emphazise that enough. I am shaking still, almost 12 hrs later as i type this after 4 hrs sleep.

He continues:

It was unreal. Surreal. The best part is — before ZPZ played – BELEW played— and I had met this very same guy – Dave – monitor guy — and he was COOL!! We were rapping, talking gear, he showed me a pic on his computer of his guitar-rig which featured the same amp that Adrian uses (Johnson JM 150), like good nerds we chuckled about that as well as his computer gadget his laptop sat on…some device with 2 fans to cool it off, blah blah blah. We talked about him being new on the crew, after I said “Napoleon says hi” –“oh no — that was the old guy, I am new since last year, etc etc”…

André concludes:

Imagine being so unprofessional — and self-important — to think that a HUGE festival, should do your bidding and ban people from public areas. I know – Unreal. But par for the course in Post-Mortem Zappa-land. No surprise. Bullying at every turn.

Worth mentioning: Ottawa Bluesfest features about 230 bands, and takes place over the course of 11 days.

Update #1 9/07: Dweezil Zappa responds.
Update #2 9/07: André responds to DZ’s response (we have a copy, in case it were to mysteriously vanish from the z forums)

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61 Responses to Persona Non Grata — Ottawa Edition

  1. Virgil Proudfoot says:

    [quote post=”191″]He literally almost pushed me off the stage and down some steps[/quote]

    This is a very unfortunate incident, but Andre’s account sounds just the wee-est bit self-serving to me.

  2. Dwiva says:

    He deserved it! He’s the asshole who got the sauce on my cap.

  3. xorg says:

    And ZPZ will not be seen by me!

    Dweezil is behaving like a spoiled brat and the best way to deal with such persons is to ignore them and when they go crying to their mummy, ignore the mummy too.

  4. Birdman! says:

    Sauce? Cap? Do tell…

  5. urbangraffito says:

    Andre, if you happen to swing by Edmonton, I’ve got some major brews with your name on them. Obviously, Dweezil’s true colors are showing (just like Mummy’s). I mean, would he treat Don Preston, Roy Estrada, or Napoleon Murphy Brock this way? I think so…

  6. Birdman! says:

    I just checked out some samples from “Dream of the Dog”, which sounds kind of interesting. Here’s a blurb for future pressings of the CD,

    “Some of the music sounds like bubbling farts, which I find quite pleasant.”
    -KUR Poster

    Tangentially related, via Urbangraffito:
    Has ZFT treated Don Preston shabbily? He plays on Carla Bley’s pretty fantastic “Escalator Over The Hill”, which also features Don Cherry, Charlie Haden, John McLaughlin, Jack Bruce (who plays bass and adds some great vocals), Linda Ronstadt, and Gato Barbieri playing probably the best music he ever played in his life. If you haven’t heard this album, check it out. Anyone have any strong feelings about “Escalator” or other Don Preston music?

  7. Dwiva says:

    [quote comment=”1594″]…Do tell…[/quote]

    it goes like this…

    once upon a time, I needed some extra cash. Mom, being the good role model she is, told me to come up with something to sell to Dad’s dopey fans. She said they’d they buy anything – just put it out there.

    So I did. I knitted some really nifty and original caps. (Actually, they were ripped off from Martha’s TV show, but hey, she ripped ’em off from someone on Dinah’s show years ago.) We put ’em on BS web sales with high price tags. Some would say, too high, but afterall I AM related to a rock star or two, right?

    Sales were slow. The caps took up space in the warehouse. Then, the worst happened. Someone used them for potholders and got sauce on them. I thought at the time it was one of my brothers. At least the one who had that cooking show for awhile. He always denied it.

    Now the truth can be told. It was Andre. My big brother socked him for me. I am so proud of him.

    Love, Dwiva.

  8. Benedict says:

    This does sound like outrageous behaviour. However, I’d like to hear a Dweezil (or an impartial persons take on it) take on this.

    For example, was there any background to this? Maybe a mis-understanding occured. It sounds a little too outrageous to be a 100% accurate account.

  9. Moggio's Moldy Oreos says:

    Totally disgusting, totally. I mean, like, gag me with a chainsaw!
    If this shit is true then I’m done with the Dweez and ZPZzzz.

    I can see no reason to rough up a fellow musician who plays your fathers music out of love since P/O sure aren’t getting rich off what they do nor are any other FZ cover bands out there. It’s just a-hole behavior, and the legacy of Zapp’s music and art gets ever more tarnished and depraved…

  10. chiggen says:

    let me talk to gail about that 🙂
    That boy needs a spanking lmao —
    you guys still falling for stories of that kind —
    why did i comment on that ???

  11. I got one of those caps. It sucked. It had sauce all over it. Where do I get my money back?

    Yo, Dweezil. Don’t push me, ’cause I’m close to the edge. I’m trying not to lose my head… it’s like a jungle sometimes… it makes me wonder how I keep from going under… ah-huh-huh-huh

  12. chiggen says:

    a bruce lee story form the finest sources in the music industry—
    keep the pot boiling — Please more stories please—
    is it true DZ has a tatoo of AL CAPONE his chest ???

  13. chiggen says:


  14. vincent denis says:

    DZ has no AL Capone tatoo!
    but sure a “Nico Sarkozy” one I can tell you for sure!
    and Gail has a nice “Tatcher” one…..
    Hyenas use to live on the corpse of the dead man you know

  15. Clark Gwent says:

    Gail has a “Thatcher” tattoo? How appropriate!

  16. vincent denis says:

    sure !it’s hidden in what they call the nose!

  17. Seraph says:

    This really IS stalkerish behavior. It’s like Andre is obsessed. I think any psychologist would have a field day with Andre’s post.

    It surprises me that those who rush to Andre’s defense and take part in this sideshow by posting his message any place they can, fail to see the truly distasteful transparency of what Andre’s message and its intent really is. Furthermore, their blind faith that his breathless and melodramatic account is the factual gospel truth, is also pretty stunning.

    He clearly incited this incident, and his disingenuous posturing belies his real intent – which is to get as much attention for himself and his cause as possible by inserting himself into a place where he clearly knew he was not wanted, thus causing trouble, and then subsequently grossly distorting his account of the events. It’s a really pathetic cry for attention, and a sad attempt to somehow weave himself into the fabric of the Zappa oeuvre, just like he has pathetically done with ex-Zappa alumni. Even his band name “project/object” insinuates that he is some kind of continuation of FZ’s legacy, and that’s sick-making.

    Then we have his mock outrage and hurt feelings, where we are all meant to buy into his account and how shocked he was by it – and how he’s still “shaking like a leaf”. Then he insinuates (rather laughably) that he might have a ZFT hit on him and tells people that if something bad were to happen to him, it could just be because of some plot to snuff him out. Yeah right. What a bunch of bullshit.

    Take some fucking responsibility for your actions for once Andre, you douche.

    Do people really take this paranoia seriously? Do seemingly intelligent people really buy into the bullshit of this stinky and very unpleasant individual?

    Of course, Jimmie D does, but then there’s another great example of someone so deluded by his own self-imagined grandeur, that he expected that the ZPZ band and crew would be not only happy to comp him a ticket to the show back in DC in ’06, but would actually want to interact with him and tolerate his presence backstage after his comments and trolling in this forum. Not even Napoleon wanted to deal with that, despite Jimmie constantly dropping his name like they are actually friends. But I digress.

    I wonder how long people will buy this shit before they realize just how pathetic Andre and his entire cause is.

    He’s clearly a failed musician – he needs to make a living teching for other guitarists rather than being on stage himself. He has been unable to sustain a career on his own merits and instead has to leech off FZ’s legacy, and try to actually make people believe he has a right to do so – moreso that FZ’s own family. His entire presence is entirely negative. Shame on him for even trying to insinuate himself anywhere near the name Zappa. He certainly hasn’t brought anything of value to FZ, his music, or his legacy. Only bitterness and wrong notes.

    He fails to realize the undeniable truth: If Frank actually knew Andre, he’d despise him.

    It’s blatantly obvious that in this case, Andre did not need to be anywhere in the vicinity of the backstage area during the ZPZ show, yet he insisted on hanging around like a bad small (literally… the guy needs some deodorant..)

    Andre, get a fucking life you pathetic sad little man. And while you’re at it, get a fucking career too. Go and try to create something of your own instead of slithering your way into the lives of ex-Zappa alumni, and into backstage areas where you clearly know that you are unwelcome.

    – Seraph

  18. Matt says:

    Isn’t it stalkerish to post the same screed on multiple forums and websites?

  19. xorg says:

    That’s a very aggressive and unneccessarily foul-mouthed response, Mr (or Mrs) Seraph!

    Maybe Andre has over-dramatised events, and so far we only have his account. And maybe Project/Object are not the best musicians in the world. But maybe Dweezil should “try to create something of his own” and make a success of his own career rather than exploit his late father? And if he and the ZFT really genuinely want to get FZ’z music played and spread to a wider audience, why have they gone to such lengths to stop anyone other than ZPZ from performing it?

  20. Seraph says:

    [quote comment=”1615″]Isn’t it stalkerish to post the same screed on multiple forums and websites?[/quote]
    Indeed. Andre’s been quite active sending his overly dramatic ramblings to anyone who’ll listen. Doesn’t he have some guitars to tune?

    It’s clear that like a stalker, Andre seems intent on insisting himself into the Zappa realm, even when he’s been given clear notice that his presence is undesirable.

    He has spent years and way too much effort (certainly bordering on unhealthy obsession) dissing FZ’s family, goading them at every turn, and basically daring them to take legal action against him. He’s finally reaping the rewards of this passive aggressive behavior, and then has the audacity to be outraged by it. What’s even more unsavory, is that he then seizes the opportunity to turn his expulsion from the side of the stage (in the monitor area where REAL professionals are at work, and where he has absolutely no reason to be, no less) and blow it all out of proportion saying he was assaulted, roughed up, berated, spat on, at the behest of Dweezil. None of these things happened.

    The fact that Andre even mentioned legal action is laughable, and his decision not to proceed by portraying himself as the bigger, more mature person is farcical. He’s not pursuing legal action because none of his allegations are true. A blind jury would be able to instantly spot the bullshit Andre is trying to pass off as truth.

    You have to ask yourself, what sort of an unbalanced person goes out of his way to hover around, and attempt to interact with people he so desperately dislikes?

    It’s called stalking. Look at some case studies and draw your own parallels.

    It’s unbalanced, and it’s disturbing.

    I would hope that right about now, Adrian Belew is seriously troubled by the sudden realization that he has an unbalanced nut-job tuning his guitars… and that someone who is supposed to be representing him and his band on the road deliberately sought out conflict with another band at a festival – not once, but on two different nights. A band that his band was supposed to be “opening for.”

    Let’s remember – it was he who put in effort to seek out members of the ZPZ band and crew to interact with, not the other way around.

    – Seraph

  21. Chuck says:

    Who do you work for Seraph? You sound like you’re on the ZFT payroll.

    Your overdone reply is just as over the top and personal as you make Andre’s out to be.

  22. George says:

    Sounds like nothing but a petulant frenzy. Seraph is using the same tactics that any good Cheney rethuglican of Faux News chump would use–change the subject and personally attack his opponent. What are his credentials to diagnose Andre as “unbalanced”? What is his stance on things like Zappanale lawsuits and frantic calls to venues trying to stop legal ASCAP licensed shows?

  23. rudy says:

    quote – “Doesn’t he have some guitars to tune?”

    how’s about some tuna fish?

  24. Seraph says:

    Yes of course – anyone who doesn’t agree with you MUST be employed by the ZFT. My God! They’re everywhere!

    My reply is simply pointing out the huge elephant in the room. Even if you’re not a fan of the ZFT, surely if you have even the most modest powers of deduction it would be blatantly obvious what Andre is doing here.

  25. Chuck says:

    Well if you don’t work for them they should pay you for your support.

    Yeah Seraph, of course you have awesome deduction.. better than anyone else here. Sounds a bit like you have become the elephant here doing a little bit too much deduction from the information that we actual have.

    My modest powers of deductions makes me think Andre was wearing a blue t-shirt too and DZ hates blue t-shirts.. coupled with Andre’s smell, which was offending me at my desk too… and of course Andre knows DZ hates blue and stinky people… I think he didn’t wash for three days on purpose just to annoy DZ.. to drive him crazy till he snapped.

    BTW did you read DZ my space reply…. shows him to be a bit childish and stuck up.

    Really this is a stupid situation that should not have arisen. Andre was probably naive to think there wouldn’t be some serious negativity from ZPZ or ZFT type people judging by their behaviour towards him previously.

    However Dweezil having such issues with some person he hasn’t even met is just him being an immature dickhead. His little privileged world is crumbling because of horrible, yucky Andre. ewwww!

  26. Bowiethius says:

    For me, Andre’s greatest crime will always be allowing Eric Svalgård to hold the keyboard chair for as long as he has. How many times have I heard that guy miss absolutely everything on all the money tunes? I wish P/O held a real audition since there have got to be more adept keyboardists out there who would relish the opportunity to ride around in a van with Napoleon and Ike and play FZ every night. Seahag. Arf.

    Dweezil is clearly immature and vindictive and Andre – a lovely bloke to have to take a piss next to at a Rochester, NY bar restroom, I must say – is clearly a drama queen, so I think there’s been a lot of apt analysis on this thread. I can’t help feel for the guy though.

  27. Paul Sempschi says:

    I dont know about the rest of the people who posted in support of Andre but the reason why I’m inclined to believe him has more to do with the typical behaviour from the ZFart camp (this incident would seem charateristic of the behaviour of that family of nut jobs, authority-junkies, father/husband leeching, Conservative trust-fund fuck ups) which we have seen since the Larry Davidesque neurotic antics and demands from the Ryko releases up to’s litigation “issues”.

    Seraph fails to acknowledge that aspect, that essential context to the story in his assessment of what went on (yeah, Andre’s the lone nut…) as well as criticizing these posts as anti-Sloatman cronyism. Just out of curiosity Seraph (no animosity in this question), what is your take on the litigation made against fan sites such as this one (was) and the Chrome Dinette?

  28. Seraph says:

    [quote comment=”1624″]I dont know about the rest of the people who posted in support of Andre but the reason why I’m inclined to believe him has more to do with the typical behaviour from the ZFart camp (this incident would seem charateristic of the behaviour of that family of nut jobs, authority-junkies, father/husband leeching, Conservative trust-fund fuck ups) which we have seen since the Larry Davidesque neurotic antics and demands from the Ryko releases up to’s litigation “issues”.

    Seraph fails to acknowledge that aspect, that essential context to the story in his assessment of what went on (yeah, Andre’s the lone nut…) as well as criticizing these posts as anti-Sloatman cronyism. Just out of curiosity Seraph (no animosity in this question), what is your take on the litigation made against fan sites such as this one (was) and the Chrome Dinette?[/quote]

    Why do people here only operate in black and white? Given that we are all Zappa fans, we would all be defenders of the first amendment as FZ was. But it’s becoming somewhat of a syndrome here and also on the Zappa forum that anyone with a different point of view from the anti-Gail/ZFT party line is automatically somehow on the payroll of the ZFT. Not the case. Some people just don’t see things your way.

    I don’t think the litigation was necessary. It was heavy-handed. I do think some Zappa fans, in their dislike of the family, enjoy taunting them by going out of their way to inflame the situation too. Just because I’m anti-Andre doesn’t automatically mean that I think the ZFT is untouchable. But I’m not talking about the ZFT. I’m talking about Andre’s account of the events clearly being shockingly over exaggerated and hysterical, and I’m genuinely surprised that many people here are buying into it, despite how self-aggrandizing and palpably mentally ill his messages are.

    He saw an opportunity to attention whore and he’s doing it in spades, and I think this is very unsavory indeed. His entire email and its followup are shockingly self-serving and overly paranoid. I don’t buy his “I’m just a peace and love hippy, man” ramblings either, as he has been THE biggest anti-ZFT voice out there, and his actions and words have been extremely aggressive over the years, and I believe he’s brought a ton of needless heat on himself because of his big mouth.

    Sure – he has a right to foam at the mouth and post all manner of unsubstantiated anecdotes and half-truths, but the ZFT has just as much right to react.

    I realize that this site is wholly anti-ZFT, but you would think that people had enough of a brain to see that Andre created this situation in order to attempt to capitalize on it. There are evidently others who are seeing this for what it is. Then there are others who don’t care.

    – Seraph

  29. rudy says:

    you want mayo on that?

  30. urbangraffito says:

    Seraph, you have made many clear, succinct, and valuable points in this thread. Thank you for you open mindedness. Very refreshing.

  31. Gina/Mizar5 says:

    Even though i have a soccer magazine to write in just this day, with an obnoxious flu bug breathing down my neck, i couldn’t help but hop into this discussion. I have read a response from Dweezil and put it up in my MySpace blog. I also located an old article about Ed Palermo, ‘He’s Not In It For The Money’, because that’s what reading Andre’s letter made me think of. I do agree Andre’s testimony was heavily emotional, but it’s what us human beings are entitled to, aren’t we? To express ourselves and in the US of A, i believe, that whole issue of free speech and such is a a fundamental right. Anyway, I posted the Ed Palermo interview as well, plus a link to the NPR show ‘Making Arrangements for Zappa’ about Ed Palermo who, besides a huge FZ fan, also worked as an arranger for probably one of James Brown’s last concerts in that famous huge ‘tent’, in Los Angeles? San Francisco? i forgot the name of the venue, aah, the Hollywood Bowl i think?

    i’ve been reading and hearing about the controversy regarding Frank Zappa’s music for years now and can only assess that FZ still manages to evoke a lot of passion amongst people.

    i wonder about the music.
    isn’t it beautiful if someone arranges FZ’s music because one hears something else, something more in it?
    doesn’t this do the original music justice as well, to broaden its perspective and musical depth?
    isn’t it great that people are touched by the music so much they want to re-create it and play it to be part of an experience shared with musicians on stage and people in the audience who know the music?
    discussion about musicians paying tribute to others, like i also know in the Steely Dan world, it’s probably a waste of energy. because those who pay tribute performing the music, are enjoying themselves. those who criticize them for doing so, are not. if so, it must be somewhat masochistic, right?

    anyway, Dweezil decided to partake in what he calls a soap opera.

  32. Sharleena says:

    [quote comment=”1625″] Given that we are all Zappa fans, we would all be defenders of the first amendment as FZ was. But it’s becoming somewhat of a syndrome here and also on the Zappa forum that anyone with a different point of view from the anti-Gail/ZFT party line is automatically somehow on the payroll of the ZFT. Not the case. Some people just don’t see things your way.

    I realize that this site is wholly anti-ZFT, but you would think that people had enough of a brain to see that Andre created this situation in order to attempt to capitalize on it. There are evidently others who are seeing this for what it is. Then there are others who don’t care.

    – Seraph[/quote]

    Just to clarify: as you can see, you can post your opinion freely in this website. This is not “a wholly anti-ZFT” weblog, this is a weblog made by Frank Zappa fans, for FZ fans. Sometimes it’s about FZ, sometimes it’s about something else. It is not “anti” anything (except perhaps GWB’s wrong doings. And Christopher Cross. But I digress).

    You can realize about this if you hover in the posts more often, and not only when something “controversial” happens.

    The owner of this weblog, Barry, just bought One Shot Deal and the TTNS DVD. I was surprised about that (since personally I’ve lost a big part of my motivation to listen to any FZ lately) but I know he did it out of love and curiosity for the man’s oeuvre. Does that look like he hates them? He is still a customer, eh!

    About this incident, I agree with Gina’s last paragraph but I think it’s positive that Dweezil replied somehow. If it was a problem of missed communication, then to speak is how people make things clear one to each other…

  33. Dwiva says:

    …that’s some nice sauce, Sharlena. Thanks. Now we can all go back to the beach.

  34. Dwiva says:

    oops, I forgot to ask.

    wanna buy a thong?

  35. Bowiethius says:

    [quote post=”191″]i wonder about the music.
    isn’t it beautiful if someone arranges FZ’s music because one hears something else, something more in it?
    doesn’t this do the original music justice as well, to broaden its perspective and musical depth?[/quote]

    This is fine for Ed Palermo but probably overstating the merits of P/O as long as we are throwing these terms about. Listen to Schoenberg’s orchestration of Brahms’s Piano Quartet Op. 25 if you want to gain a perspective of how re-orchestration can draw new things out, and so forth. Hell, listen to the Yellow Shark if you want. I simply do not think that is what P/O does. They do some things – a few of them well – but I don’t know that they’re in the business of artistic re-arrangement. I agree with the rest of your paragraph though – about the joy. I think Andre is a mediocre guitarist and if you scroll above you’ll read my opinion of that keyboardist, but even I get quite a rush from hearing that music in front of me.

    And Dweezil, your Ray White set sucks. And was Vinny booked?

  36. Bowiethius says:

    That’s not a quote from me. Don’t know how that happened.

  37. Sharleena says:

    [quote comment=”1631″]…that’s some nice sauce, Sharlena. Thanks. Now we can all go back to the beach.

    oops, I forgot to ask.

    wanna buy a thong?[/quote]

    Yeah! Everybody’s in love!
    I want one with pesto, please…

  38. chiggen says:

    its allways the same with the uneducated masses—
    that is enough soap opera for me —
    there is always a (_._) ndre in a crowd or on the job or these guys can even be found on stage hahahaha—
    KUR please rescue me from your followers

  39. [quote comment=”1635″]its allways the same with the uneducated masses—
    that is enough soap opera for me —
    there is always a (_._) ndre in a crowd or on the job or these guys can even be found on stage hahahaha—
    KUR please rescue me from your followers
    Chi, a kind hint from us uneducated masses: please learn how to spell properly.

  40. xorg says:

    I wonder why Seraph got so upset and defensive about this?

    I suspect there’s something he or she is not telling us…

  41. Rob says:

    Don’t touch that dial! Stay tuned for the further adventures of –Zzzzzzzz… (click.)

  42. In response to André, DZ says:

    Your attempts to draw attention to yourself as some sort of soldier fighting the good fight for Frank’s music reveal what you really are – a depressing epigone starving for recognition.

    … which begs the question: what does that make you, DZ? How, in any aspect, are you any less of an epigone? And just how depressing are you at that?

    Mark Gardner has posted a nail-on-the-head annotated version of DZ’s response. Be sure to read it. I’d call it a hoot, if only this whole state of affairs weren’t so — depressing…

  43. Birdman! says:

    It is quite depressing. I’d rather read a thread about “Escalator Over The Hill”. It is curious to read Dweez using the word “epigone”, which, if you check your Webster’s as I did, applies more to him than Cholmondeley. It seems like the kind of word you use when you’ve given a lot of thought to what it means.

  44. chiggen says:

    next time i post in german maybe you can read it then better 🙂

  45. FZDolfan says:

    [quote post=”191″]Mark Gardner has posted a nail-on-the-head annotated version of DZ’s response.[/quote]

    Thanks for the link-to Barry.
    Just a minor correction…it’s Mark Clark (I’ve just added a “C” to my display name to help avoid understandable confusion)…Glen Gardner is the town I live in. 🙂
    I’ve always had a link to KUR in my blog sidebar, but I suspect my readership size is such that I likely haven’t helped yours in any way. 😉

  46. Bob Again says:

    It is interesting for me to read all this somehow revolves around one of my favorite tunes, “Flakes”. In light of earlier conversations regarding rekindling interest in all things Frank, I now retire to my listening room for a full frontal volume enjoyment of the song.

  47. Homer says:

    [quote comment=”1634″]…I want one with pesto, please…[/quote]


  48. chiggen says:

    i think reading all of this that the great USA needs to change there educational facilities and the direction they are going on how to teach people the new (now simple for all the readers here) wahts your and whats mine — no wonder you guys invade other countries on the grounds of weapons of mass destruction which never where and all was just a big lie to get on the resources of an other country cheep as possible—this is just as i see this with andres —
    its not andres music (the dickhead is to dumb to write his own music)
    so he creates a bunch a stink everywhere he goes just like georgy boy from down in texas — and then tries to sell to every one that he is right with something which isnt his in the beginning. Further more he is writing about the footnote on gails email how many legal threats she has on there so you would not communicate the email to somebody else— the footer on gails emails are what most corporate companys have on there emails — Andre you full of shit one thing ZAPPA dint like is a dumb lie if you understand ZAPPA 🙂 This shows what kind of scheister meister you are —
    YOU ARE WHAT YOU IS — I think you be the only one zappa would have said to :”stay away from my music ”

    It is and will be zappas music and its going to be the zappas who are going to do with what IS THERES !

  49. Bob Again says:

    dear herr chiggen, I am proud of you for taking such a giant leap without a net or parachute, but it’s really going to hurt when you hit the ground.

  50. Knudt says:

    [quote comment=”1645″] NORWEGIAN KEYBOARD [/quote]

    I think you are being unfair to the Norwegian people. Herr Chiggen, you are the scheister meister, mister! If you are, indeed, a man.

  51. Kevin Hoover says:

    This is the opposite of what living is really all about.

  52. xorg says:

    Well, at least Dweezil has been useful for something at last – I’ve learned a new word! ‘Epigone’. Speaking as a guitar (and bass) player I’d be fairly satisfied with being an epigone of FZ. Well, a better epigone at any rate – I’ve been struggling for years to play some of FZ’s stuff.

    OOPS! Will that admission get me sued?

  53. Rob says:

    “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” –Hunter S. Thompson

  54. Joe ntj says:

    Mr. Chiggen –

    Why not chill out, go to a Neil Young concert and see what he has to say about all this. (Well, he’s not a REAL american, is he?)

    He was in YOUR ‘hood last night. Check it out – quite the setlist – makes ZPZ look like child’s play. I think I’ll kill myself…

    König-Pilsener-Arena, Oberhausen, Germany.

    1. Love And Only Love
    2. Hey Hey, My My
    4. Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
    5. Spirit Road
    6. Dirty Old Man
    7. Fuckin’ Up
    8. All Along The Watchtower
    9. Oh, Lonesome Me
    10. Mother Earth
    11. The Needle And The Damage Done
    12. Unknown Legend
    13. Heart Of Gold
    14. Old Man
    15. Get Back To The Country
    16. Words
    17. No Hidden Path

    18. A Day In The Life

  55. Michael Pabst says:

    I’m glad this stopped after 55 comments. Don’t go on with this!


  56. chiggen says:

    so i added 56 🙂

  57. chiggen says:


  58. Alex says:

    59, wondering if Seraph wants cheese with her whine.

  59. andre says:

    60 dont think so its all about the lactose really —

Comments are closed.