Zappa – One Shot Deal. Status: Released.

Hello and welcome to another episode of “thank god for those unofficial fan blogs we sent cease & desist letters to, because otherwise us ZFT pumpkins would never get our new releases out in the public proper – {chuckle}”:

Zappa - One Shot Deal

One Shot Deal @
One Shot Deal @ Barfko Swill
One Shot Deal ZFT Newsletter Announcement

Update 14/06: Now with tracklist! Amazing.

  1. Bathtub Man (5:43)
  2. Space Boogers (1:24)
  3. Hermitage (2:00)
  4. Trudgin’ Across the Tundra (4:01)
  5. Occam’s Razor (9:11)
  6. Heidelberg *1987 (4:46)
  7. The Illinois Enema Bandit (9:27)
  8. Australian Yellow Snow (12:26)
  9. Rollo (2:57)
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91 Responses to Zappa – One Shot Deal. Status: Released.

  1. Skeeter says:

    OK, I give in and I realise I’m being really stupid but I find well nigh impossible to navigate around. How on earth do I actually find out the track listing for this damn thing?

  2. Balint says:

    You won’t. The secret: this time the family released an ALBUM-COVER!! Wow!!!! 🙂

  3. Rumor has it, this be “The 1973 “Un-Concert”“. Wait and see — I’ve ordered mine, along with the TTNS-dvd. Oh boy, some early TTNS buyers are going to be pretty pissed off…

  4. Skeeter says:

    That’ll be me then, the damn ship has just headed back west after dropping that DVD off. I think I’ll pass this time.

  5. Rob says:

    Me, too! The TTNS DVD just arrived today. Sure is nice to know what the One Shot Deal CD packaging is made of, but it would be nicer to know what’s actually on it!! I’ll wait til I know more…

  6. Tim says:

    I’m sorry – but whoever updates should be prevented from touching a web page again for the rest of their existence.

    Here’s the extent of the details provided for this newly announced release:

    “All Titles Produced by FZ
    Just when you thought it was safe
    to go back in the water . . .
    Makes its own sauce!
    Shocking summer surprise for no reason at all!”

    I’m sorry, but this nonsense and a 15 second clip to open up the website are not enough for me to send the internet gestapo at ZFT another $16. I’ll download it when it leaks.

  7. Moggio's Moldy Oreos says:

    I’m going to see Dweez tonight so I’ll see if I can divine WTF this release is. But, no, I won’t be buying it. I expect it to cost around $20-22 at the gig, and if I end up buying it it’ll be used for half that or less! 🙂

    I like ZPZ but no money of mine goes to the trust anymore. That ship has sailed and the witch can drown or just cease and desist.

    (Not wishing anyone harm here, just expressing myself, Mr. Lawyers).

  8. urbangraffito says:

    I just don’t get it. How can they have lived with the man, followed the process in which he produced each of the many albums in his vast catalogue, then produce such lousy album covers posthumously? I mean, are they appealing to the lowest common denominator here: people with no artistic appreciation whatsoever? I only hope for your sake, Barry, that what’s on the CD is better than what’s on the cover. Ugly, man, ugly.

  9. Balint says:

    1. Bathtub Man (5:43)
    2. Space Boogers (1:24)
    3. Hermitage (2:00)
    4. Trudgin’ Across the Tundra (4:01)
    5. Occam’s Razor (9:11)
    6. Heidelberg *1987 (4:46)
    7. The Illinois Enema Bandit (9:27)
    8. Australian Yellow Snow (12:26)
    9. Rollo (2:57)

  10. Carlin says:

    [quote comment=”1410″]I just don’t get it. How can they have lived with the man, followed the process in which he produced each of the many albums in his vast catalogue, then produce such lousy album covers posthumously?[/quote]

    Couldn’t agree more, it’s like they’re deaf, dumb and devoid of any concern with the sensibilities of the fans. Mrs Z has gone to far – releasing stuff nobody asked for, hell without a track list!! Her weird behaviour againt the true fans fans has actually given me a sour taste in the mouth. She thinks that great man’s heritage was the search of the almighty $$$. I for one will await the torrent of OSD, that is if I can stand listening to FZ at all anymore…. It feels that I give Mrs a silent consent by listening to any FZ.

    Let me humbly remind you of this link. It’s very very important that we all stand united and let Mrs Z know that we won’t stand for it any longer:

    The pen is a mighy sword. I’d give anything to watch her face when she sees that she’s heading against a thick wall of thousands of disappointment – or even angry – fans.

  11. Carlin says:

    Testing. Why doesn’t my post show?

  12. gnarly artly says:

    [quote comment=”1410″]I just don’t get it. How can they have lived with the man, followed the process in which he produced each of the many albums in his vast catalogue, then produce such lousy album covers posthumously? I mean, are they appealing to the lowest common denominator here: people with no artistic appreciation whatsoever? I only hope for your sake, Barry, that what’s on the CD is better than what’s on the cover. Ugly, man, ugly.[/quote]

    What I like about that cover is that little stickon registration mark. I did a million seps back in the olden days and spent hours lining up those stupid marks:…squint…hold breath…stick!…aggh it’s crooked, do it again… …hold breath… repeat. This is what album covers/ magazines/posters used to look like as they went to production- all glued and taped and whited out- but they came out spiffy!

  13. Carlin says:

    Urban: Couldn’t agree more, it’s like they’re deaf, dumb and devoid of any concern with the sensibilities of the fans. Mrs Z has gone to far – releasing stuff nobody asked for, hell without a track list!! Her weird behaviour againt the true fans fans has actually given me a sour taste in the mouth. She thinks that great man’s heritage was the search of the almighty $$$. I for one will await the torrent of OSD, that is if I can stand listening to FZ at all anymore…. It feels that I give Mrs a silent consent by listening to any FZ.

  14. Carlin says:

    I think I wrote toomany words – here’s the rest of my post:
    Let me humbly remind you of this link. It’s very very important that we all stand united and let Mrs Z know that we won’t stand for it any longer:
    The pen is a mighy sword. I’d give anything to watch her face when she sees that she’s heading against a thick wall of thousands of fans up in arms.

  15. Interesting: ordered it yesterday, got a “shipped” notification from musictoday this morning! This can mean two things: either they saw my name, know I’m KUR’s Head Honcho and didn’t want any bad publicity — or: musictoday’s not exactly “swamped” with orders right now. Which one, you think? 🙂

  16. bernard says:

    Do not make the mistake to believe that you’re important, Barry. The C&D letter was the result of a lawyer’s machine.
    We care about music, don’t we?

    On this subject ( the new release):
    – I won’t buy it. I’m not a FZ fan, I’m nobody’s fan . I’m not even a fan of myself. However FZ happens to be a favorite of mine , amongst other composers / musicians.
    – Musically & aiming at later & continuing respect for the man, what’s needed? (1) the release of FZ plays Varèse; (2) focussing on the CD ” Strictly commercial”, ie bringing that music again to wider audiences, (3) new records withe old stuff; for instance ” FZ , the composer” , “FZ , the performer”, just like Columbia Jazz did it – with big success- for Thelonius Monk. Why not re – release ” Does Humour..”? All these various aspects, are actually enabling the ( possibly ) interested to learn about it.
    – Compare ZFT with the people supporting Charlie Haden, a man ( jazz double bass) with an equal status in music. I’ve just got a mail message from his site ( his wife). It focuses on the series of his upcoming concerts scheduled to take place in NY, Canada & Europe. It says: “CH fans – i e those who subscribed on his iste – recieve a 20% dicount”. The better way to enlerge audiences. And, yes, the CH Haden family is now living in LA / Ca / US as well.

  17. [quote comment=”1410″]I only hope for your sake, Barry, that what’s on the CD is better than what’s on the cover. Ugly, man, ugly.[/quote]
    To be honest, I actually like the look of that cover. See what Gnarly said about it above. Also: FZ looks uncharacteristically, I dunno… sad in it, no? As for what’s on the cd itself: how about we separate ZFT-tactics from the essential, which is FZ’s music? I thought “Buffalo” was a great release, as was “FZ:OZ”. This one looks to be equally interesting. See, I refuse to become a bitter old man. It makes vengeance taste all the more sweet. 🙂

  18. Moggio's Moldy Oreos says:

    I agree about the cover: it sucks and it is something they could’ve made themselves, which is probably why they did it that way (save money). I bet there are only the bare minimum of liner notes to satisfy the label and a lawyer or three. It’ll be up a fan to figure out where these performances come from and to do their work for them, as per usual.

    I mean, if they want fans to buy this shit, give some history of the recordings and pay someone to make a cover worthy of the music. Someone who isn’t a Zappamaniac is going to see this thing in a music store and say, WTF is this? And the cd won’t tell them shit until they buy it, nor will the website.

    Just moronic and shitty behavior by a freaky lady who obviously has contempt for the fans of her late husband.

    On the bright side, I saw ZPZ last night and it was a good show, again. It was real heavy on Joes Garage material and D nailed the guitar sound. He soloed alot though – it was a very nooodley show and I saw Sheila looking bored or tired. But, it was sold out and we had a great time. Last years tours I think I liked better, as they had a better balance of composed music like Uncle Meat, Eat That Q, plus the ‘songs’ like Gas Station and U. Remus, and then the guitar shredding material like Cosmic Debris…but at least they are changing it up.

  19. [quote comment=”1413″]Testing. Why doesn’t my post show?[/quote]
    Carlin: The Akismet anti-spam plugin considered your post to be, erh, spam (probably because you posted a link). I fish out the bonafide comments whenever I can, but you know, I need to grab some sleep every so often! 🙂

  20. Balint says:

    I’ve just remembered something Dw said a few weeks ago somewhere:
    It’s a sampler
    Dweezil says it includes one of the first versions of yellow snow, some guitar solos FZ had recorded and “some orchestral stuff.” He says “it’s really good” and notes FZ has a lot of fun on it, laughing quite bit.

    Now I have a feeling that most of this stuff are guitar solos – maybe even Rollo?… -, so that might be the reason for the strange sounding titles. And Heidelberg must be a solo from ’78 (from the Guitar Hernia cassette, I think) – since the ZFT calles this release “nr. 93” (at barfkoswill, instead of 83), i simply think 1987 also to be a mistake.
    But what might “sampler” mean here?

  21. Joe ntj says:

    Dear Asshole Fans,

    Kiss mine here.

    Yours, Joe ntj

  22. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”1423″]Dear Asshole Fans,

    Kiss mine here.

    Yours, Joe ntj[/quote]

    It seems you’re too busy right now kissing someone else’s Joe. This asshole fan will come back later when it’s less crowded.

  23. urbangraffito says:


    1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
    2. to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.


    1. to censure or find fault with.
    2. to judge or discuss the merits and faults of: to criticize three novels in one review.
    3. to find fault; judge unfavorably or harshly.
    4. to make judgments as to merits and faults.

    KUR never has been, and never will be, an anti-FZ site. There’s a big difference between hatred and criticism which covers a lot of ground. Personally, there is nothing that GZ or the ZFT could possibly do that would turn me off of Frank Zappa’s music one single iota. If they or their henchmen can’t handle a little honest criticism from they who have paid for everything that they presently possess, well, BOO HOO.
    Open minds discuss. Closed minds, censor.

  24. Hugh says:

    Amen to that!
    – signed Epstein’s mother

  25. braxtophiliac says:

    [quote comment=”1410″]How can they have lived with the man, followed the process in which he produced each of the many albums in his vast catalogue, then produce such lousy album covers posthumously?[/quote]

    Agree and don’t agree. ‘Dub Room’ (the cover!) was lousy, ‘Wazoo’ was awful, ‘Trance-Fusion’ and ‘Läther’ hard on the edge. Loved Mofo, Buffo, OZ, Quaudi, EIHN, the Groening album and all the rest (and that includes, one and for all, The Mystery Disk (dig it!). Ah, wanna know another one that is REALLY dreadful (at least judging from the pics I’ve seen…)?? — Palladium 81 TTNS – one and a half minutes of delirious Photoshop cluelessness, bah!

    love, braxtanplan

  26. vince says:

    [quote comment=”1428″]Amen to that!
    – signed Epstein’s mother[/quote]

  27. Propellerkuh says:

    Oh, guys and gals. You are all so damn good at finding something bad. The world doesn’t look as if you all are so good at your own thing as you demand everyone else to be. Where is your work at display for arbiters like you? I don’t think you would judge the releases the way you are doing if Zappa himself released them himself. But go on … have your fun

  28. says:

    “One Shot Deal”
    I tried to read the credits with the black light next to the very hip water pipe I used to use but was unable to read it.

    This is a great release. Totally out of the blue, nobody was expecting it. My favorite is Track #4 Trudgin’ Across the Tundra (4:01), a jazzy drone in 7 featuring (I think because I can’t read the credits on the CD. To small with not enough contrast with the background) Bruce Fowler on Trombone solo. The whole CD is great. The crdits inside the CD could have been formatted better so people (Old folks like me who love ZAPPA) can read the credits, but the music is wonderful.

    I’m still looking online for the credits. Cease & Desist letters aside, this is a wonderful Album that I highly recommend.

  29. Birdman! says:

    Schlecktones, I would love to hear a few more details about the music on the disc before buying it. What era are the tracks from? Is much of the music guitar solos and instrumental improv? That would be a good thing (Brax – I think the cover to Trance-Fusion is a pretty neat image) Any info would be appreciated.

  30. braxtophiliac says:

    ‘Trance-‘ — got used to it, but a deranged Schenkel design would’ve done so much better (imagine: Butter or Cannons ;))

  31. Birdman! says:

    I’ve gotten used to Cal Schenkel as an element of Zappa’s Conceptual Continuity, and as a real reflection of the Zappa aesthetic, but his drawing style makes my brain itch (a good example is the Gypsy Vacuum Cleaner in the “Chunga’s” gatefold), as do the combines on the covers of Uncle Meat and Burnt Weenie Sandwich. I was disappointed when I had to re-buy TBBYNHIYL without the original copyright-infringement photo on the cover. De gustibus non disputandum est. My concept of “good cover art” has gotten pretty slack anyway. I’ve never adjusted to the death of vinyl, and when The Grateful Dead started issuing really good music with basically identical covers that look like an old box of Ampeg reel to reel tape, I was fine with it as long as the music was good. I’d be much more inclined to buy new Zappa releases if they could be bought at a local record store w/o S&H, and there was more info about the content. I mean, which bands are represented on the new release? Are some of the tracks just comedic stage patter that are mildly amusing the first time, and would be better as hidden bonus track material ? (what could “Space Boogers” be? an abbreviated guitar solo? A one shot deal moog solo by George Duke from a ’74 Inca Roads, or a one shot deal piece of… “comedy” a la “The Booger Man” from YCDTOSA Vol. 4?)

  32. Paul Sempschi says:

    Ooh, new Zappa, it’s much more exciting to know you’re gonna get it for free (bit torrent)- fuck Sloatman: release whatever the Hell you want, just dont expect people to BUY everything with and F and a Z on it.

  33. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”1431″]Oh, guys and gals. You are all so damn good at finding something bad. The world doesn’t look as if you all are so good at your own thing as you demand everyone else to be. Where is your work at display for arbiters like you? I don’t think you would judge the releases the way you are doing if Zappa himself released them himself. But go on … have your fun[/quote]

    We are not “finding something bad” as you suggest Propellerkuh. Rather, we are holding the ZFT up to the very standards they set for themselves when GZ states in interviews that they are so concerned with FZ’s artistic integrity (while doing the exact opposite). Are we then to be faulted for pointing out their inconsistencies? FZ had a certain standard of excellence. Is it so much to ask that his heirs suck it up and start to measure up?

  34. says:

    One Shot Deal
    OK. Here we go.

    1 – Bathtub Man (5:43)
    This is a blues number with the basic Roxy band playing. The tune comes in somewhere after the beginning, probably because of a tape change during the live performance. George Duke plays the first solo then Frank plays his solo. Frank’s solo on his track alone is worth the purchase price, but wait. That’s not all. Not only do you get the Desinex Burger.

    2 – Space Boogers (1:24)
    Really cool avant guard strangeness with Frank on guitar, George Duke on keys, and Chester Thompson on drums.

    3 – Hermitage (2:00)
    Wazoo ensemble, Avant Guard, Frank conducting.

    4 – Trudging’ Across the Tundra (4:01)
    My earlier statement that I thought it was Bruce Fowler on trombone is incorrect. This is the Petite Wazoo band with Tony Duran on guitar. It’s a really beautiful jazz improv foundation in 7. You can hear other brass and winds in the background. Frank is conducting. At the end you can hear Frank say, ‘Thank you. That sounded pretty good”.

    5 – Occam’s Razor (9:11)
    This piece is the original unedited solo that was used in the piece entitled ‘On The Bus’ on Joe’s Garage Act 1. The solo was isolated and superimposed over the wet t shirt version on Joe’s Garage in a process that Frank invented known as xenochrony. On One ‘Shot Deal’ we hear the original unedited guitar solo.

    6 – Heidelberg *1987 (4:46)
    This was originally released on a Cassette called, ‘The Guitar World According To Frank Zappa”. I still have the cassette but don’t know if it survived in good shape. It’s a beautiful guitar solo.

    7 – The Illinois Enema Bandit (9:27)
    This is the audio from the same performance on the DVD ‘The Torture Never Stops’ recorded Halloween 1981 at the Palladium in NYC.

    8 – Australian Yellow Snow (12:26)
    The Roxy Band. Probably an earlier version before they recorded it in the studio for Apostrophe (‘). Frank does some humorous dialogue.

    9 – Rollo (2:57)
    Wazoo ensemble, Avant Guard, Frank conducting.

  35. Birdman! says:

    Thanks for taking the time to do that. It sounds great.

  36. Chuck says:

    Honestly, it sounds less than essential. The ZFT have missed the boat with these types of grab bag releases… so much FZ material exists in the public domain, of maybe not great audio quality, but enough that this sort of rehash isn’t terribly exciting.

    They got it right with Wazoo and Buffalo.. those were unkown elements. This is just some more FZ stuff he had lying around at best, maybe intended for playing on the radio or whatever.

    So what about “Dance Me This” or “Rage and The Fury”?

  37. moggio's moldy Oreos says:

    Well, at least one thing has remained the same since Frank was around – the length of his releases. With albums like Lumpy Gravy, I’m ok with the fact that it is relatively short, but some albums like Drowning witch were really too short, imo, to warrant a full release. Anyway, that’s nitpicking, I know.

    But today, with the length of archival releases by most any rock band, a relatively short release like this is just lame. If they are going to throw together a random mix like this then make it 70 or 80 minutes and add some worthy liner notes!! It really isn’t much to ask. Elvis Costello, the Velvet Underground, Neil young, Grateful Dead, etc all are examples of the ‘more is better and let’s reward our fanbase with a cool rerelease type business plan’.

    The ZFT is still using the ‘1987 style release an LP length cd with no reason to buy it other than the cassette or LP than the fact that you don’t have to flip it to play side 2’ style of marketing. Pink Floyd are another band that don’t do much for fans with their rereleases, but that may be due to embarrasement over what is left in their vault…

    Anyway, I’m intrigued to hear this but I’m not excited enough to buy it at the Barfko price.

  38. says:

    What’s the problem with Gail releasing multiple recordings per year?
    I think it’s wonderful. Frank use to do that. I think she is doing a great job. She is putting it out there. Take it or leave it. That’s up to you.

    Gail supported Frank and took care of the house and kids to make time for Frank to compose and work. If it weren’t for Gail, Frank would not have been able to produce so much material in such a short amount of time. Give her a break. And if you really want to get down to the nitty gritty, the music you have heard that you claim is in the ‘Public Domain’ is not in the public domain at all. Those boots are all intellectual property protected by U.S. and International Copyright law. So yeah. Go ahead. Buy what Gail is releasing if you want. It you don’t like it, don’t buy it, but don’t have an online conniption fit about it.

  39. Joe ntj says:

    [quote comment=”1438″]…Avant Guard…[/quote]

    Is that a Studebaker? No? Well, fuck you, too!

  40. braxtophiliac says:

    [quote comment=”1438″]One Shot Deal

    3 – Hermitage (2:00)
    Wazoo ensemble, Avant Guard, Frank conducting.[/quote]

    Avantguarde – YEAH! More of it! Get me some ’69 stuff!

    Gonna love that One Shot album a lot. Great cover this time around, intriguing setlist, Ponty (holy shit!)and even a few more WAZOO extravaganzas

    schlecktones – you rule!


  41. bertanya says:

    why is this image of vultures circling in my mind’s, i, ‘m not sure, though carrion with e-scapes of music sounds interesting enough. $1.50 a track, 3 tracks for half an ow, er um, $16 ain’t much dough. i like the doubt in the cover, and also the doubt of the cover.

  42. lronhoover says:

    Occam’s Razor is something i’ve always wanted to hear – that solo from ‘On The Bus’ is just ridiculous, i think i’ll crap myself when i hear it in it’s original context.

    hopefully it’ll be like first hearing the solo from “Keep it Greasy”/JG in its original context as the solo for “Outside Now”/Guitar. another mind-blower was when i get my hands on YCDTOSA 2, after only knowing the “Inca Roads” solo from OSFA.

    … wait for the torrent, or support the cause?

    @schlecktones: thanks for the run-down, yo! very much appreciated!

  43. Paul Sempschi says:

    [quote comment=”1457″]
    … wait for the torrent, or support the cause?

    Support the cause, wait for the torrent!

  44. Rne says:

    The front cover looks fine to me. Kind of minimalistic and nice. (WAY better than Buffalo´s or Joe´s Xmassage´s among others)
    What sucks is the absolute lack of information about the origin of this material provided in the OFFICIAL Zappa web page.
    What I´m sure about is that this is (once again) NOT a live recording of 1968/69 Mothers Of Invention. I suppose I have to keep on waiting (in vain, maybe?)

  45. Potatohead Peccary says:

    I just Received OSD and would like to put in my two cents. Well its good because its new Zappa music ( kinda ) . Its bad cause its like a tease and really short. Essential, no. But enjoyable. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth after all that has happened with ZFT over the last year. maybe if I had not known about Gail’s crap I wouldn’t care but I do. From the ZFT perspective its like this , Lets thrown the fans a bone ( not a big bone , we gotta keep em hungry) and lets make some profit in the process…….

    The music. – Ocam’s is an Inca solo circa 79′ (haven’t heard any of those lately) I

    Space Boogers and Hermitage are avant garde to say the least, seems like group improv with frank conducting and indicated certain passages.

    Trudgin’ – Best thing on the record as far as I am concerned. This kinda of stuff rivals any jazz-fusion band of the early 70’s

    Bathtub Man -as we know a blues jam from the roxy band. Could be Cosmik but not sure. However this jams cooks and simmers with best rock blues in the world. This band really new how play the blues!! Its good.

    Heidelberg *1987 – Frank solo, not much to say here. has a ship ahoy feel.
    Rollo – Good composition, different that imaginary disease’s version. Pretty good track.

    Yellow snow _ early version of snow->nanook->st. alphonso
    its actually cool to see how this tune progressed.

    enema bandit- uh its on TTNS, whatever

    thanks for reading

  46. brett says:

    [quote comment=”1467″]

    Yellow snow _ early version of snow->nanook->st. alphonso
    its actually cool to see how this tune progressed.


    Well, keep in mind that the edit on Yellow Snow cuts out a lot of stuff from the actual performance, including most of the instrumental sections. So I don’t think it gives one a good sense of how this song progressed.

  47. Potatohead Peccary says:

    [quote post=”163″]Well, keep in mind that the edit on Yellow Snow cuts out a lot of stuff from the actual performance, including most of the instrumental sections. So I don’t think it gives one a good sense of how this song progressed.[/quote]

    I did not know there was a lot of edits. I was referring to the different arrangement and how the song progressed over time to become what is heard on Apostrophe. The first part has a much more obvious 7/8 groove, and the melody is a variation of what yellow show would become. the same came be said St. Alfonzo. Also Franks vocals and the rhythmic accents he uses are still in development in this version.

  48. Mac says:

    Hey all Zappa fans. I found the coolest retro Zappa t-shirts. At they reproduce shirts that Zappa famously wore. My favorite is the B’Wana Dik T-Shirt. Check them out, they are really cool

  49. Balint says:

    GZ at’s forum:
    “good to know as we are working on a minimum of four more releases this year . . .”

  50. Joe ntj says:

    I am working on taking a dump today.

  51. Sterbus says:

    [quote comment=”1475″]GZ at’s forum:
    “good to know as we are working on a minimum of four more releases this year . . .”[/quote]

    I read the same, she was also talkin’ about download subscriptions, or something like this..

  52. Joe ntj says:

    I did it! I did it! Gawd, I feel much better now. Wait a minute – she’s got her own website. I don’t have a website. I want a website. Some dude from Scotland stole my website. I feel like haggis.

  53. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”1476″]I am working on taking a dump today.[/quote]

    Try some roughage first: The Frank Zappa AAAFNRAA Birthday Bundle (tracks 6 to 11, that is). They are just about enough to give me, a life-long Zappa freak, a case of the wet-shits.

  54. Jamez says:

    [quote comment=”1475″]GZ at’s forum:
    “good to know as we are working on a minimum of four more releases this year . . .”[/quote]

    I bet one of them WON’T be the Roxy DVD!

  55. Joe ntj says:

    [quote comment=”1484″]…wet-shits…[/quote]

    there ya go, let’s bring this thing down to MY level – asshole fans fur-sure!


    [quote comment=”1489″]…Roxy DVD!!![/quote]

    …there’s a Roxy DVD? that oughtta be COOOL! Has anyone told DZ’s mom?

  56. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”1490″][quote comment=”1484″]…wet-shits…[/quote]

    there ya go, let’s bring this thing down to MY level – asshole fans fur-sure!


    [quote comment=”1489″]…Roxy DVD!!![/quote]

    …there’s a Roxy DVD? that oughtta be COOOL! Has anyone told DZ’s mom?[/quote]

    I’m an ASSHOLE FAN and PROUD of IT!!!!


    Roxy DVD? Enough about the Roxy DVD, already. It’s not forthcoming. It’s only a tool to keep fans of FZ like fish on the proverbial line for as long as possible and sell them one product after another (because, hey kids, Roxy is just around the corner).

  57. noel says:

    on the tune occams razor can anybody rerify that dave logeman is the drummer on the one shot deal cd and not vinnie colaiuta, i think that vinnies not the drummer on this tune please help anybody.

  58. Balint says:

    hi noel since the recording is from march ’79 it is definitely Vinnie Colaiuta and now I’d like to talk about David Logenman a bit but it is so hard to start another thought or another sentence without using punctuation that I can hardly finish this at all aaaaaaagghhhh…. (falls into the deep)

  59. Chris says:

    Forgive me if this sounds naive, but ZFT needs to pay attention to what Pearl Jam, Phish and the Grateful Dead have been doing. There’s apparently a shit-ton of complete FZ shows in the vault, why in the hell can’t they be released in their entirety? Look at the Dead’s Dick’s Picks series. Find the best of the best, and put them out there. What exactly is preventing this from happening?

  60. Sterbus says:

    “they simply do not contain Zappa” was once Gail answer to a question like yours… (?)

  61. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”1505″]”they simply do not contain Zappa” was once Gail answer to a question like yours… (?)[/quote]

    Great answer. As we all know, Zappa is more that just Zappa. Zappa is Don Preston, George Lowell, Buz & Bunk, Brock, Ponty, Duke, Underwood(s), Willis, Mars, Chester, Logenman, Colaiuta et. al. Gail in her ultimate ignorance must think that Frank must be playing in order for him to be present. This simply isn’t true. Each time I hear a Tommy Mars solo on “A Pound For A Brown” I hear Zappa in every note. Frankly, any Zappa freak could make better choices than the ZFT does, in my opinion.

  62. Chris says:

    “All Titles Produced by FZ
    Just when you thought it was safe
    to go back in the water . . .
    Makes its own sauce!
    Shocking summer surprise for no reason at all!”

    I’m so fucking sick of these smarmy, uniformative blurbs all over zappa dot com. Whatever happened to informing the fans? Do they need Keneally to write for their site? He’s a notoriously verbose liner note writer…

  63. Chris says:

    “uninformative.” That’s what I meant to type.

  64. DaveG says:

    The ZFT doesn’t realize that Zappa fans are similar to fans of the Ellington & Basie bands, in that as much as they appreciate the band leaders, they’re also listening for Johnny Hodges, Ray Nanace, Lester Young and Jimmy Rushing. Only FZ could have made it possible for the monster improvs by his sidemen.

  65. dwiva says:

    [quote comment=”1508″]…Makes its own sauce…[/quote]

    …which one of you assholes got sauce on my cap? I told you long ago, it’s not a potholder!

  66. Eichstetter Matthias says:

    HI, Yàll,
    What does Gail mean with “conatins no Zappa”? Did she mean by that that the stuff in the basement is not good enough?
    Did she analyize the whole basement? She the great music-expert? Or do understand it wrong?
    I will buy OSD. I don´t care if she is a bitch. I don´t like her either, and I can see why FZ has prefer to stay away from her and stick to his basement. With a wife like her, you are forced to go in your basement, and spend so much time with dringing or recording and playing music. Anyway, righto, Without her FZ wouldn´t have the time to do all this stuff. Thanks to her, but she did many things I don´t understand.
    I hope she will realease: Rage & Fury, dance me this, an evening with WMF (but she won´t, since he drew a beer bottle at Moon once), Ruben & the Jets in the original mix.
    The person who knows best about the basement is not she, but Joe Travers. It´s his job. What a great job. I wish I were him. I would lock myself in that basement with lots of food and beer, and turn up the volume to the point where the whole house would be shaking.

  67. Sterbus says:

    No no… she was only meaning that Grateful Dead and other shared stuff is crap compared with Zappa, so for them is easy to release everything, but not for her.
    I’ll find soon the exact Gail quote, but it will be almost impossible…

  68. Eichstetter Matthias says:

    Thanks for the information. Anyway, I will buy this CD. Actually I could download it, but I prefer original Cds when it comes to our all Uncle Frank. Will write more later.

  69. Eichstetter Matthias says:

    To myself in almost every kind of musical stuff, and get my ears used to almost everything. Anyway, I used to come regulary back to Zappamusic. For me his music is totally radical. It´s muusic for the music. Made by someone who re4ally adores music, enyoed by people who really care about music. And what´s more he was a workaholic, he was influenced by the best Rythn´nBlues stuff and the most interesting so-called Avantgarde music. He started his career in a time, wher record labels was more liberal.
    He learned almost everything about making music,recording, producing selling music, and the music business . It was the right man at the right time. . I can´t imagine that if there is someonelike FZ that he would have the same oppurtunitys like Uncle Frank had.

  70. andreas says:

    I have mixed feelings about the posthumous released. Some, like “lost episodes”, “imaginary diseases” and the recent “zappa wazoo” are great additions that really added a missing link to the catalog. Others are more dubious and Ive skipped them. I no longer just snap them up immediately. I still have no idea when or where this new CD was recorded, or who’s on it. That’s critical info for me.

    The beef I have with the ZPT is three-fold. First is their A.R. attitude about distribution of the new releases. “Zappa Wazoo”, great as it is, is only available on the website, and will NOT get the exposure it deserves.

    The other complaint is that the website REALLY SUCKS. Honestly, it’s totally user-unfriendly. Scrap it and start from scratch!

    Finally the totally A.R. attitude of the ZPT with which they treat the very musicians and fans that are TRYING (despite the “best” efforts of the ZPT) to bring Frank Zappa’s wonderful music to a wider and younger audience.

    I’m a 45 year-old fart, but when I go to conerts by ZPZ or Grandmothers I’m delighted to see lots of people in their 20’s who were little kids when Zappa did his last tour in 1988. What that tells me is that there is a market (no, that’s not a dirty word!) among musically adventurous young people. Additionally, so much of Zappa’s social commentary is even more pertinent today (the Brain Police are fully in charge now).

    MEMO TO GZ: Not everyone who plays Frank Zappa’s music is out to rip you off. Please get a clue soon. FZ’s legacy needs to be propagated, and not kept under a glass in some shire.

    My rant is over now.

  71. Eichstetter Matthias says:

    I agree on almost everything you said. Only, that I will continue to keep my collection on the latest up date. I also paid the 90 Euros for the big mofo and 10 for the small mofo (because of 20 minutes that are not included in the big Mofo). I don´t like it very much. There is many interesting stuff, but why selling unfinished songs. FZ wouldn´t have done it. Side one was totally unnessary..
    I refused to see Dweezil in Frankfurt. I watched some stuff on youtube. Female soulbitches on Dirty Love. No, thanks. Gail tries to get the fans to listen only to FZ Songs played by Dweezil. That´s how I understand it. The music of FZ is best kept alive if many diffrent musicians play it in many different styles. I know lots of musicians, and all of them have a very great respect on him.Even if not all are fans.
    About the market: I once sold Zappa CDs on Flea markets. 5 Minutes, and they were sold. that happened three tiimes. And I never saw a Zappa CD on those Cheap-CD Tables. There are more Zappafans (at least in germany) than you can imagine.

  72. Eichstetter Matthias says:

    If you don´t mind, I would like to include a list of famous popular Rockstars who had worked with Zappa. Maybe you can add some to it.:
    Tina Turner
    Van Morrison
    Jimi Hendrix
    Tom Jones
    Eric Burdon & Animals
    Johnny Guitar Watson
    John Lennon
    Ringo Starr
    Keith Moon
    …to be completed…

    Rockstars who played Zappasongs:
    Eric Burdon & Animals
    Die Aerzte (german band)
    Red Hot chilli Peppers
    Duran Duran…
    …to be completed…

  73. Bruce says:

    [quote comment=”1502″]Forgive me if this sounds naive, but ZFT needs to pay attention to what Pearl Jam, Phish and the Grateful Dead have been doing. There’s apparently a shit-ton of complete FZ shows in the vault, why in the hell can’t they be released in their entirety? Look at the Dead’s Dick’s Picks series. Find the best of the best, and put them out there. What exactly is preventing this from happening?[/quote]

    Well the thing about the Dead releases that are non- Dicks Picks get a lot of criticism from the fans. Mainly the Road Trips comps, since the first two were songs from various shows while the last one were a disc each of certain shows. Also I wont even mention the sad ass packaging. But the Zappa release are only slightly better when it come to that.

    Still One Shot Deal is just a total tease 51 minutes come on. Still its a nice addition to hear.

  74. Rob says:

    Only 51 minutes long, and the Illinois Enema Bandit is the SAME as on the DVD…that’s why I’ll probably pass on this one.

  75. Eichstetter Matthias says:

    51 minutes is acceptable I think. Anyway I seldom listen to Zappa Albums. I have all my Zappa stuff on two old XBoxes saved plus all regular Beefhearts, the Wild man fisher album, the original Cruising with Ruben, GTO,Grand Funk railroad, tons of Stuff where Zappa participated (even the Chieftains“ Green fields of america” where FZ set the microphones), also the Tornado-Stuff where he was just a little technican.
    My neighbours who are very tolerate, although they say that music is ugly (wich I cannot understand. To my ears it is straight stuff)have to listen everyday one and a half hour to Zappa stuff. Sunday is for nopn Zappastuff like King Crimson, or ZZtop or Heavy Meatal or Swingmusic. Sometimes I play Sex Pistols after Frank Sinatra. I never cared about musical style but Attidude.
    When I put my XBox on, I set it on random, so I don´t know wich song I hear next.
    Today the postman brought me a wonderful Zappa-Shirt. Grey a very very big his Apostrophe-Face. It looks so wonderful.
    A very intelligent girl asked me, if I am a fan of Osama Bin Laden.

  76. Bob Again says:

    …it seems one shot really is suited to the random play mode – it’s such a hodge podge of stuff, as so many of the ZFT releases are.

  77. Eichstetter Matthias says:

    Right is real fun listen to FZ that way. Unfortunatley you can put only 500 songs on three tracks on those old Xboxes. The 360 has no random.
    At the very moment I listening to Xbox no.1 Track No. 3. My non-Zappa day this week was friday.
    The songs tonight are:
    WONDERFUL WINO (Zoot Allures)
    BEAT THE REAPER (Civilisation Phase III)
    LIL`CLANTON SHUFFLE (Lost episodes)
    LOVE STORY (the perfect Stranger)
    APOSTROPHE (apostrophe”)
    LOBSTER (You can´t do that on stage anymore )
    SOFA No.2 (One size fits all)
    CITY OF TINY LIGHTS (Sheik Yerbouti)
    LETHER (I promise not to come in your mouth) (LÄTHER)
    SAN BERDINO (Bootleg: from the baby snakes soundtrack)
    Cpt Beefheart: Annoncing Big Joan (Grown Fins ?)
    Cpt. Beefheart: GIMME DAT HARP BOY (Strictly personnel)
    ?:? (must be from the Zappa and friends bootleg) very fast and happy organ stuff. Can´t remember what it was.
    MONDO HOLLYWOOD (Bootleg: An evening with Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart)
    AIN`T GOT NO HEART basic tracks (MOFO)
    Cpt.Beefheart: TRUST US (Strictly personnel or some bonus track)
    Cpt Beefheart : CRAZY LITTLE THING (clear spot)
    CLOWNS ON VELVET (bootleg. with that that Al Di Meola Guitar soli)
    Cpt Beefheart: ANT MAN BEE (trout mask replica)
    DRAFTED AGAIN (some bootleg , recording as used on YAWYI)
    KING KONG Soli (Trancefusion)
    Anyway, each of my two Xboxes plays 45 minutes. My second Xbox also contains all the Beefheart stuff. I can´t seperate Beefheart from Zappa.
    This is a own musical universe..I loved it as a kid, and now I am 40 and it still amazes me. I can´t see any weirdness or uglyness in it.
    I don´t even understand, why people can´t dance to it. People always tell me that I am a very good dancer. But I can´t move to that straight commercial stuff. It is so boring.
    Nothing happens. The song starts and you know how it will end. I use tom listen to music like reading a book. If I am listening there must be something happening.
    A friend thaught me the vertical listening. He is a musical teacher for piano and play drums.
    As he was listening to “Bamboozled by love” he was so excited. He learned like mad to play the Colaiuta Beat from it.
    (By the way, did you realize the similarity between Bamboozled and Pink Floyd´s “Money”?
    Or try and sing the Stones` “Satisfaction on the melody of Hungry Freaks, Daddy and vice verca)
    Did you know that Carol Kaye was playing bass and 12 string guitar on Freak out and Absolutely Free??? She also played on Light my Fire, La Bamba, Something Stupid
    and the Pets Album of the beach boys.She played on about 1000 tracks from starting from (I think) 1962. . As far as I know, she started with age 15 and became a bass guitar teacher with 17.

  78. Eichstetter Matthias says:

    On another section of this nice forum, I have realised that I kill the conversation here. Yes, I am a german. I am very very sorry, but it just happens. Unfortunatele the german Zappa forums are very boring. I had found this a very nice one, but someone here made it clear, that only american fans are welcome here. So you can carry on with your discussion without my stupid Nazi-Germany comments about your own Franjk Zappa who only belongs to americans and people of other continents have to shut their fuckin`´ mouth about YOUR private Zappa.

  79. Eichstetter Matthias says:

    By the way. I won´t kiss any of your fuckin´asses, but you can yourself ram it up yer poop chute!!

  80. Balint says:

    Hey, Matthias, cool down! 🙂
    Some thoughts:
    1.) You’re welcome here.
    2.) Post anything you like (okay, don’t be offensive), but don’t expect people to rush and answer everything. Lots of guys read what you (or anyone else) write(s) here, if someone responds – that’s the bonus. (Okay: if you REALLY want an answer, ask a question!) 🙂
    3.) Don’t be rude in youre language. Please.
    4.) (And a last thing: stop that „I’m German” thing, please! Who cares?… 🙂 Concentrate on what you want to say, not to your person, or your harms. I think.)

  81. Sharleena says:

    [quote comment=”1717″]On another section of this nice forum, I have realised that I kill the conversation here. Yes, I am a german. I am very very sorry, but it just happens. Unfortunatele the german Zappa forums are very boring. I had found this a very nice one, but someone here made it clear, that only american fans are welcome here. So you can carry on with your discussion without my stupid Nazi-Germany comments about your own Franjk Zappa who only belongs to americans and people of other continents have to shut their fuckin`´ mouth about YOUR private Zappa.[/quote]

    Woah! Matthias, i would like to know who in this weblog (this is not a forum, by the way) made it clear that only american fans are welcome here. Just because one reader (who might be an asshole, you never know) told you to kiss his american ass you infer that only american readers are welcome here?!? Do you always take everything literal?
    This is just a stupid blog dedicated mainly to F. Zappa, not a world war!
    You get offended too easily, man…

  82. Kevin Hoover says:

    Is it wrong to enjoy the smell of a kitten’s fur on a rainy day?

  83. [quote comment=”1717″]So you can carry on with your discussion without my stupid Nazi-Germany comments about your own Franjk Zappa who only belongs to americans and people of other continents have to shut their fuckin`´ mouth about YOUR private Zappa.[/quote]

    It’s Godwin’s Law in reverse!

  84. Joe ntj says:

    I drive a german car (made in some other country, though). Somebody shoved a potato up its tail pipe. It doesn’t run so good anymore.

  85. Sharleena says:

    [quote comment=”1723″]I drive a german car (made in some other country, though). Somebody shoved a potato up its tail pipe. It doesn’t run so good anymore.[/quote]

    But does it smell funny?

  86. Joe ntj says:

    [quote comment=”1724″][quote comment=”1723″]I drive a german car (made in some other country, though). Somebody shoved a potato up its tail pipe. It doesn’t run so good anymore.[/quote]

    But does it smell funny?[/quote]

    …actually a bit like Burger King. I think das auto has bad rings und ist geburning little bit of oil.

  87. urbangraffito says:

    [quote comment=”1721″]Is it wrong to enjoy the smell of a kitten’s fur on a rainy day?[/quote]

    Not at all. We’re all adults here. Well, most of us are, anyway. Sniff away…

  88. Bob Again says:

    [quote comment=”1722″]It’s Godwin’s Law in reverse![/quote]

    Ist das nicht unheimlich?

  89. michael kenyon says:

    Great job Joe and Gail on the production of One shot deal.
    thx for this release and all those in the future.

  90. Joe ntj says:

    [quote comment=”1742″]…all those in the future.[/quote]

    there’s more? WHOOPPEE!

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