
…starts right about now:

Yes, we’re calling out to you – you over there with the hair on your head – step on up here and tell us what you can do to contribute to The Festival of Zappadan.

Not quite sure whether there’s anything more to this beyond tricking you into buying a T-shirt, but there you have it.

Today may be a sad day for you Zappa freaks out there, but why not make it a celebration of FZ’s music? Put on your favorite FZ record! Dance The Be-Bop Tango! Freak Out!

Thank you, Uncle Frank. You’re gone, but not forgotten.

PS: how’s the coffee up there?

10 thoughts on “Zappadan”

  1. Greetings KUR,
    This is our second Zappadan, and it runs until Frank’s birthday on December 21st. Aside from our usual blogging, we run lots of FZ video, art, and relevant articles on Zappa. I’m sure you folks would enjoy it, so stop on by and feel free to contribute.

    As for t-shirts, the ad goes down the day that Zappadan starts, so we can’t trick anyone into buying anything until next year.


  2. Frank died on this date.
    i remember calling the barking pumpkin hotline 14 years ago.
    there was no message, watermelon in the easter hay was playing.
    i knew at that moment that he had died.
    go to
    there is a candle
    and listen to frank laugh again
    as he tries to get through the spoken intro to watermelon.
    thanks frank
    thanks for the music and the laughter

  3. Oh Shit, Thanks Barry, my wedding anniversary is Dec 4. We will have to dance to Watermelon tonight (with some flowers thanks to you).

  4. By the way, Barry, every day is a Zappa Festival at my house…the barking pumpkin refuses to stop…

  5. Thanks for the heads up on, jane23. The candle is a nice touch. Easter Hay has always pulled at my “heart strings”. Tonight, I think I broke a few. Long Live Zappa Music!

  6. It is sad, when someone dies before his biological time to leave. There are certain topics in the world, I would die to know his opinion – but we can´t help it. So an advice to all the male fans of his music: Look after your prostate, let it be examine by a doctor regularly. It´s a bit like: Don´t forget to register to vote !

  7. Roland Says:
    December 9th, 2007 at 7:30 pm

    So an advice to all the male fans of his music: Look after your prostate, let it be examine by a doctor regularly. It´s a bit like: Don´t forget to register to vote !

    There’s really not too much FZ could’ve done to protect himself from prostate cancer as he had just turned 50 when diagnosed (the supposed time when men are supposed to get regular prostate check-ups). What pisses me off is all the artificial estrogens (aka plastics) in the environment which more likely led to FZ’s cancer than did his daily pack of Winstons and coffee.

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