Orchestral Favorites

Released: May 4 1979


  1. Strictly Genteel
  2. Pedro’s Dowry
  3. Naval Aviation In Art
  4. Duke Of Prunes
  5. Bogus Pomp

Frank Zappa and The Abnuceals Emuukha Electric Orchestra
Frank Zappa (guitar), Terry Bozzio (drums), Dave Parlato (bass), Mike Lang (keyboards), Emil Richards (percussion), Pamela Goldsmith (viola), John Wittenberg (violin), Bobby Dubow (violin), Jerry Kessler (cello), Bruce Fowler (trombone), Earle Drumler (oboe), Mike Altschul (flute, trumpet), Malcolm McNabb (trumpet), David Duke (french horn), Dana Hughes (bass trombone), Ray Reed (flute), David Shostak (flute), Tommy Morgan (harmonica), Marty Perellis (?), Don Van Vliet (dancing)

5 thoughts on “Orchestral Favorites”

  1. Find this album for the DUKE OF PRUNES !! Between that song and STRICTLY GENTEEL, you’ll be happy!

  2. Terry Bozzio writes in his homepage:

    “When I got off the first road tour with Frank in 75 he had organized a concert of his classical music to be played by a 40 piece orchestra of the best players in Los Angeles, at Royce Hall, UCLA. He started by telling me that it would include 4 percussionists who could read and play anything (Emil Richards, John Bergamo, Alan Estes and Tom Rainey), and handed me the music to Bogus Pomp, Pedro’s Dowery and Naval Aviation in Art.
    The shows demanded classical concentration and presented many ensemble problems with the time and feel but we pulled it off. George Duke came backstage after the show and complimented me on my playing and my press rolls which he said sounded like someone tearing a piece of tissue paper (ie: very smooth) – I was so proud and happy because I felt at last I had gained the respect of not only a great jazz musician who I admired (he was at that time playing with Billy Cobbham), but one of the Zappa veterans that I was so inhibited by when I was first playing with him in the band, and so desperately wanted to be accepted by.
    The next day some member of the orchestra brought in a copy of the L.A.Times with a review of the show by classical music critic Robert Cromwell – he described the show and praised Zappa etc., but the only other member of the faceless 40 piece ensemble he mentioned was me! After some small compliments, he called me “A drummer with a future”!!!
    With or without the review, this concert/recording/event was a peak moment in my life.”


  3. Another album of Great music with a really ugly cover. Some, but not all of the selections are also on “Lather”, but it is worth picking up to have all the orchestral pieces on one disc.

  4. “Orchestral Favorites” has probably got to be one of the most overlooked and ignored albums in Frank’s catalog, which is a real shame. There is a vibrancy to the playing on this record that seems “cold” on the “LSO” orchestra recording of 1983. Not until the “Yellow Shark” sessions of 1992 do we get a recording of Frank’s symphonic stuff that sounds so vibrant and heartfelt. The playing is great on this, and I don’t understand those who have picked it apart so harshly (even Frank). Let’s face it, Frank didn’t have to go back and try to “reconstruct” this album the way he did for the “LSO” sessions back in 1983!! Great musicianship, and wonderful compositions. That about does it. You do need to get this one, because all the tunes are NOT included on “Lather”, so this makes this separate release essential. Not until “Francesco Zappa” do you get to witness such an overlooked nugget in the Zappa catalog. This is a great record of Zappa’s music played with real heart and conviction.

  5. I completely agree with the above remarks. This is an over looked work of genius. “Duke of Prunes” is one my favorite Zappa compositions ever. It
    really swings and then rocks out! All of the other tunes are top notch as well. Zappa fans who haven’t heard this, with headphones, as well as The
    Yellow Shark, The Perfect Stranger, Civilization Phase III, EIHN, and the LSO albums are really missing out on some of the most delightful,
    amazing, beautiful, craziest and most satisfying musical experiences Zappa has to offer. I will admit though, that the track “Bogus Pomp” in
    particular, was a hard listen the first time through. If you are not familiar with this type of music it can be daunting – at first. But, it is very compelling
    music, and being Zappa music, very entertaining as well! After a few listens it starts to come together, and then – blammo! It hits you that you don’t
    want the piece to end because you are loving it!

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