Happy Thanksgiving!

From one of my all time favorite movies

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4 Responses to Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. vince says:

    Now, if only i could find that “Rex The Runt” short where they did a parody of this!

  2. Hugh says:

    This is why we stopped serving blood pudding stuffed atomic pigeon at our house for the holidays.

    Ha! Nice clip for Turkey Day.
    Lynch is one of my favorite directors. I’ll have to revisit this film, it’s been awhile. 🙂

  3. Virgil Proudfoot says:

    I always liked this Thanksgiving clip from Addams Family Values as well:

  4. Dark Clothes says:

    Whoa! Sick!

    I haven’t seen Eraserhead since it was showing in a porn theatre in the outskirts of London in the late Eighties. It’s still powerful, for sure.

    We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in my country, I don’t think we ever will after this!

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