4 thoughts on “ZPZ Videos Some Mo’”

  1. Dammit! I’ve been looking very closely to see if I can see myself and Abe in the clips—we’re just outside of the camrea shot, in the lower right corner, about 5-6 feet away from the stage.

    I only wish the quality was better. Thanks for posting this.

  2. ahhhh! that takes me back…..to a couple weeks ago! ZPZ must come back. thanks from where ever this came.

  3. Looks like all three of us will be taken back to that night. I was keeping my eyes peeled for you two in those videos (I knew where you guys were standing!), but as Mario said–nothing. Oh well.

  4. I had flown into LA at 1:10 that morning, and my girlfriend surprised me with ZPZ tickets. Best concert I’ve been to in a long time.

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