Anything, Anytime

Billboard has a look at the “Zappa Vault Series”: Indeed, Gail Zappa estimates there are 40 albums’ worth of material that could see the light of day, including complete live concerts. “But ‘Joe’s Corsage’ the series will be separate,” she says. “It could be anything, anytime, for no reason at all. We already know what the next one is. I hope it will be available before the summer is out.”

7 thoughts on “Anything, Anytime”

  1. I didn’t quite understand her comment. Does this mean that the Second volume of JOe’s Corsage may be out by the end of this summer? If so, we would have Joe’s Corsage in June, Petite Wazoo in July, and Joe’s Corsage 2 in August/Sept. That would be pretty awesome given the fact that the ZFT has been a bit slow to release stuff thus far.

  2. Tuesday is pick-up day here, and my local collectors will be looking forward to my latest release —>


  3. “I didn’t quite understand her comment” ….. unfortunately, obfuscation seems to be her forte.

  4. Also, what was that whole bit about FZ’s orchestral pieces being cut up. I wasn’t aware of that. Isn’t everything complete now?

  5. Although I have never heard any of the various compilation discs, I read her comment to be related to those discs.

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