Tweezer Glint: Finale – The Roxy Years 73/74 (Part III)

Welcome fellow KUR-meisters to the final installment of the Tweezer Glint series, “Tweezer Glint: Finale – The Roxy Years 73/74 (Part III)”. 120 tracks of raw, unbridled buffoonery amid some of the finest musicianship you’ll hear from this period of Frank Zappa’s career. For those among you who missed earlier installments of the Tweezer Glint series, do not fret, the entire series will be streamed again, in order, later in 2010. For now, enjoy this unique ensemble which played for that all too brief a period known as the Roxy Years – 1973 through 1974.

Click here to listen to the mixtape.

Author: urbangraffito

I am a writer, editor, publisher, philosopher, and foole (not necessarily in that order). Cultural activist and self-described anarchist.

6 thoughts on “Tweezer Glint: Finale – The Roxy Years 73/74 (Part III)”

  1. Wowie! Very thorough, Urbangraffito! (selections from all three San Carlos ’74 shows, etc., etc.)
    Ruth: “I have relatives in the audience tonight!”

    Always loved that Farther Oblivion from Bologna ’73 as well: “watch the little ducks”–this version is right up there with Sweden August 21, 1973! (It even includes a guitar solo: very rare for Farther Oblivion!)

    If only Gail would release some of this material that was recorded on tour in 1973/74–hopefully those tapes have been baked & archived.

    No offense to Mr. Bozzio, but i think he’s already been well-documented in the live department (an understatement!): bring on some Ralph (& more Chester) and the greatness of The Mothers Of Invention in concert during this era!

  2. Always liked that humorous blues-jam encore/Road Ladies from Arizona,
    July 17, 1974 too–but (always) disappointed when the soundboard tape runs out at the end. (Once i even spliced the very end of Cosmik Debris from this same show to this encore so the cut wouldn’t be so abrupt!)

  3. [quote comment=”9246″]Always liked that humorous blues-jam encore/Road Ladies from Arizona,
    July 17, 1974 too–but (always) disappointed when the soundboard tape runs out at the end. (Once i even spliced the very end of Cosmik Debris from this same show to this encore so the cut wouldn’t be so abrupt!)[/quote]

    Indeed, that Arizona blues-jam encore of “Road Ladies” is one of the few times this song was actually performed on this tour, or later. Makes one wonder why it never appeared on any of the volumes of YCDTOSA? The interaction between FZ and his fellow band mates is absolutely magical.

  4. I’ve lost my FlambĂ© !! Or it is included and not titled in some of the tracks? Otherwise I’ll send it to you 🙂

  5. This mix-tape features one of the finest performances I have ever heard. Absolutely fantastic, blistering solos, unbelievable inspired band performances! This ’73/’74 concerts were one of the most vivid appearances of FZ + band. Thanx a lot!
    Does anyone know why the times stated in the list sometimes differ so much from the actual hearing time? Not that it matters, it’s just puzzling.
    Greetings to all.

  6. [quote comment=”9256″]I’ve lost my FlambĂ© !! Or it is included and not titled in some of the tracks? Otherwise I’ll send it to you :)[/quote]

    Sterbus, the “FlambĂ©” of which you speak of comes from the 15:20 mark of “Don’t You Ever Wash That Thing?” (Konserthuset, Goteborg, Sweden, 25 Sep 1974) and was a track from Tweezer Glint: Finale – The Roxy Years 73/74 (Part Two).

    [quote comment=”9407″]Does anyone know why the times stated in the list sometimes differ so much from the actual hearing time? Not that it matters, it’s just puzzling.[/quote]

    My only guess, Hermann, is that many, if not most, of the tracks in these mixtapes are really pushing the limits of what the program is capable of handling memory wise. I figure it’s a small price to pay to be able to load these memory heavy tracks (it’s within these large tracks that the really interesting and spontaneous things seem to occur).

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